Chapter 19

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The King has requested my presence.

That single thought has been playing over and over in my mind since the words left Armani's mouth.

Since then I've been frantically pacing at the centre of the room, trying to decide on a course of action.

What could he possibly want from me?

Was he offended that I walked away from him?

Alphas do not generally take lightly to disrespect and I haven't been the most respectful in his presence since I got here.

But in my defense I haven't been really disrespectful either.

Yet still.

Taking one calming breath I stopped at the centre of the room.

"Pull yourself together. This is not you" I growled.

This has gone on far too long, I will not look an imbecile in the presence of my King.

Finally calming down enough to think, I looked at the outfit options that I had. I really do need to remind him to get the rest of my things, so I guess this is perfect timing after all.

Since Michael and I are going to the park after my meeting with King Amir, I settled on a simple outfit of biker shorts, a crop top, sneakers and of course my purse.

After getting dressed, I checked myself out in the mirror, twirling and giving myself a much needed confidence boost

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After getting dressed, I checked myself out in the mirror, twirling and giving myself a much needed confidence boost.

"You're so hot" I said taking one final look.

"Yes, yes you are" came a breathy whisper causing my head to snap to the door.

"Does any one knock in this place?" I asked rolling my eyes, making the final touches to my hair.

"Oh saucy. I have been sent here by the King to retrieve you" came the intruders reply.

Grabbing my purse and phone from the vanity I finally turned to face him.

"Jax, Royal Guard at your service" he said with a little bow.

I took the time to survey this Jax individual, noting his uniform embedded with the Royal Crest. He stood at about 6" tall with muscles that made a perfect fit for his job description.

Lightly tussled brown hair, hazel eyes, and a permanent smirk, I wasn't impressed. Basic text book, teenage play boy.

"Done checking me out new girl?"

See, predictable.

"Not quite, do a 360 for me please" I said twirling my finger signaling him to turn around.

He raised his hands and did a slow twirl before looking at me expectantly.

"Hmph" I shrugged, walking pass him through the door. "Direct me to the King"

It only took two minutes of walking in silence for him to blow.

"What do you mean by hmph?" He asked confused.

I mentally chuckled, knowing he was accustomed to women ogling him.

"What do you think I meant?" I asked.

"That I'm average at best" he replied.


His steps faltered and I allowed a deep laugh to leave my throat at his expense.

He grumbled something underneath his breath before pointing in the direction of where I assumed King Amir would be.

"Your confidence shouldn't depend on what someone else thinks of you, okay?" and with that I walked away, walking head first into the lion's den.

"You requested my presence, my King?" I said stepping into what appears to be a throne room.

"Yes. Everyone leave us."

Why? I wanted to ask. Why was I to be left alone with him?

Power rolled off of him waves, forcing me to visibly straighten my back at the intensity. He smirked as if realizing what I had just done, while the others scampered from the room some unable to withstand the electrified air.

He sat on his throne, a tailored suit sitting deliciously on his frame. He looked regal, and every bit of a man. I love it.

The female urge to bend myself over the knees of this powerful male could hardly be ignored. My wolf relished in the feeling of being in the presence of this man, and I couldn't help but feel the same.

As soon as the last person left the room, his piercing eyes met mine and I felt as if he could see right through my soul.

He made a come hither motion with his hands and my feet worked on auto pilot taking me to him.

"You look lovely, off to somewhere?" His buttery voice asked.

He unbuttoned the jacket of his suit, his fingers working skillfully and in my eyes in slow motion.

Mentally clearing my throat, my eyes found his face again.

"Actually Alpha, I have a date. I was about to head there before you summoned me" I said.

"A date? Oh really?" His question seem to have a double meaning as he chuckled.

He removed his jacket, then began working on the shirt of his suit.

Uh? What is going on?

I discreetly squeezed my thighs together as my body's reaction became beyond my control.

"That's correct. Is there a reason you called me here my King?" I asked, my voice steady.

"My apologies, I would have very much preferred for us to do this in the comfort of my room especially seeing as this is our first time."

In one swift motion he removed his shirt, displaying his Goddess sculpted chest.

I froze.

It seems you're going to bent over his knees now after all

I felt my wolf sitting alert in excitement.

"We both have other engagements, so we'll have to make this quick. Come love"

Oh. My. Goddess.

Hi loves!

I'm in the middle of finals but I had to drop by and give you guys an update. I hadn't realized I was away for so long!

What do you think?





Alpha King AmirWhere stories live. Discover now