Chapter 16

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"It's going to be fine Love"

The nagging voice of that pup invaded my thoughts once more, stirring anger in the pit of my stomach.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

Why the fuck was he there, in her apartment?

And most importantly, why was he consoling her in such an intimate way?

Then she had the audacity to question me about my decision to ask him to leave? I was already courteous enough to had asked.

On the inside I was raging but my appearance gave nothing away as I made my way down to the lobby.

"Shina right" I addressed the receptionist with a smile.

She bared her neck to me in greeting before responding.

"Your highness. How may I be of assistance." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, blushing.

Usually I would find the action amusing but today it annoyed me for no reason in particular.

"The apartment that belongs to Genesis, a new tenant" she nodded eagerly waiting for me to continue.

"You can begin offering it as vacant once more, she won't be needing it. A cheque will be written to the complex for the inconvenience, valuing 3 months rent." She looked shocked but nodded regardless.

"You can sent the invoice over to my office and I'll have it dealt with. Is that ok Shina?" I asked flashing her another smile.

"P-perfect Your Highness" she blushed again and this time I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Have yourself a wonderful day" as I made my way outside, I heard her beginning to whisper to the bellboy.

I hate gossip.

Once outside I stood for awhile taking in the property, she had wonderful taste I had to give her that.

Thinking of her brought a genuine smile to my face, it quickly vanished when I remembered her pup of a boyfriend.

Was that really her type?

Barely any prestige? Scrawny? A pup of such low pedigree?

He wasn't man enough for her, yet he was man enough to smother her in my presence.

The only reason his neck wasn't snapped in that very moment is that he didn't know she was spoken for.

That will have to change soon.

But she knew? Didn't she?
Why then did she allow him to basically fuck her on that couch? In my presence?

I released a breath in frustration, I was acting like an insecure pup that had just shifted.

I laughed, because even as a pup I wasn't insecure. Yet I've known her for less than an hour and I'm overthinking that my position is threatened by a mongrel?


"Hey, you've been standing here instead of coming to the car. Is everything ok?" Adira ran her hand up my forearm.

"A man cannot take some time to think Adira? Alone?" I stepped away from her touch.

"You can. But if there is a situation here I think I have the right to know as your future Qu-"

I held a hand up, silencing her. Though I had heard her refer to herself as such before, it felt wildly inappropriate at this time.

"Whatever situation you think there is, it is being handled. You're a member of the Nobles and that's it. You'll be filled in alongside the rest of them." She took a step back.

I held the bridge of my nose, not in the mood for her theatrics.

"I'm not in the mood Adira. Our conversation has ended" she spun on her heels and left back to the car.

As she walked away, I allowed my mind to drift back to the woman upstairs.

Slumped over the arm of that couch, hoisted to my will, she looked every bit of a temptress.

Her arousal clouded the air in the sweetest of scents, it took everything in me to keep my beast under control.

An unorthodox punishment for sure, however I couldn't resist because of my own selfish desires.

Now I want more.

"My King" the voice caused all the blood in my body to rush south.

Grasping at my control I turned to her.

"Genesis." I raised an eyebrow, "is that all you've packed?"

She looked down at the bags in both her hands.

"You didn't exactly tell me how long I would be staying Alpha" though she tried to dial down the sass, it was still heard.

Reaching forward and taking the bags from her hand I began walking to the car and I felt her trail closely behind.

"Regardless Ms Genesis, I'm sure you were briefed about staying in the mansion for a period until you've been officially inducted" I said.

"Was I misinformed?" she didn't respond to my rhetorical question.

"I'll send someone in a few days to collect the remainder of your things."

"Noted Alpha" she said.

"GENESIS" Armani came dashing from the car and by her side.

My brother has surely taken a liking to her, and he rarely likes anyone.

"Did he hurt you?" He whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"Far from it little man" she said bumping his shoulders.

"Let's go, the sooner we get back home, the sooner I can kick your ass in GTA" he shouted excitedly.

"Language" she scolded.

I shook my head, knowing Armani didn't take well to  being scolded by anyone he considers below him and that's almost everyone.

"I'm sorry" he said surprising me.

Once we reached the car, I opened the door for her gesturing for her to climb in.

I had driven here myself, so only the four of us knew of what was happening at the moment.

"Good day," I heard Genesis greet Adira as I placed her things in the trunk.

Adira didn't respond, but I did hear a small growl coming from her.

Not this. Not now.

"Is there a problem?" I heard Genesis ask.

I smirked in approval at the fact that she wasn't intimidated.

The fact that she didn't tuck her tail at Adira's hostility made her all the more desirable.

"Is that the way you address your Queen?" Adira snarled.

My beast bristled at the use of a title that did not belong to her and without second thought I growled.



Team Genesis🤍 or Team Adira🖤?




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