Chapter 32

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A strangled cry ripped through my lungs as my body lurched itself forward. I struggled to breathe as if my head had been submerged for longer than it should have.

I gasped for breath, desperate for oxygen to fill my lungs but it seemed like the harder I tried, the harder it was to actually breathe.

What the hell is happening to me?

The air I inhaled felt hot, scorching me from the inside out and made me feel as if I was suffocating more than anything else.

Scratching at my throat I barely took note of the many machines that my body was hooked up to.

"My Queen, please try to relax" came an urgent yet soothing voice.


But her words and my bodies need for oxygen were absolutely different demands and I could only meet one.

"Listen to the sound of my voice, and take deep breaths" she calmly stated once more.

I understood her clearly but I just couldn't bring myself to cooperate.

"Your body isn't accustomed to being helped to function, once you calm down it'll be much easier" she tried again, her voice gave away just how much she wanted me to listen.

"Listen to the sound of your heart"

Tum tum tum tum

"That's it, your ok"

Tum tum tum tum

Why can't I feel my limbs?

Tum tum tum tum

Why am I hooked up to these machinery?

Tum tum tum tum

Where is Amir? Where is Michael?


The sound of my heart beat took me from soothing to panicking in a split second. My body shook involuntarily and my panic rose.

I felt the elongating of my nail beds signaling a shift I did not summon. And this made me panic more, I was not in control of my body.

I heard the nurse that had tried calming me down shout for the doctor.

"Sedate her!" Someone yelled.

These words caught my attention, causing me to pull against the machines that were probably keeping me alive.

My actions were frantic and sloppy, which led to me barely dislodging a single needle that was stuck in my arm.

My brain couldn't comprehend what had happened to me and as I felt the prick of the sensitive skin on my neck, everything became more confusing until all my thoughts suddenly stopped.

This felt like déjà vu, as for the second time in mere hours  I was forcibly drawn into consciousness.

Gasping for air once again only this time small amounts filled my lungs bringing a bit of comfort.

A hand ran soothingly up my arm, but the vital senses of hearing and seeing seem to be delayed in coming back.

Soon enough the sound of static filled my ears before I could make out the voice of the person calling me by touch.

"Dear dear Love. You're safe" he cooed.


That caused me to relax, and focus more on regaining my bearings. I was safe, no need to panic.

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