Chapter 1

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"I can't lie, I've been waiting impatiently for the day that I would be brave enough to get as far away from you as possible and never look back"

As the last word left my mouth, I fully expected something to be thrown in the direction of my head that would probably leave a crack in my skull. Again.

Placing the last of my luggage in the back of the car, I turned to face my family smoothing the fabric of my top. If I was to be honest with myself, I was not only nervous but sad.

My sadness really bothered me considering the fact that this was what I had been wanting for a very long time.

The horrible memories of this place held me captive for for too long, it was time that I set myself free.

I inwardly scowled at the realization that no matter how much I tried hating them, this was my family.

The strange loyalty and love I had for them, for him, irritated me to no end.

Was it that I craved his approval and love that badly?

A therapist would probably be able to unpack this fucked up trauma response.

"You'll be back, pup" as usual the coldness of his voice invulnerably placed me on my guard.

I looked at the filth of a male, regarding  him with as much disgust as I could muster at the promise in his voice.

He unleashed his dominance, the invisible force threatening to knock me off my feet but for the first time I sent an equally powerful wave back.

"Don't count on it"

My words caused him great anger, I watched as he clenched and unclenched his fist trying as best as possible to restrain his anger. He had a fake image to uphold, and loosing his cool and hitting his daughter in the presence of guests would shatter that facade.

Embracing my mother and brothers, I said my final goodbyes, fighting back the tears that threatened to fall.

"Jeffery, I'm ready" as soon as the words left my mouth he brought the engine to life.

It's time for a new start.

The ride to the airport was short, and as I boarded the plane an overwhelming feeling washed my body. This was the very first time that I would be leaving home and would be essentially anywhere that my family wasn't. But it had to be done.

In the heat of my daze, I ran straight into a hard chest bumping my nose in the process.

"Sorry, my fault" I hurriedly issued an apology but the stranger merely brushed it off preoccupied with his cell phone that he clutched in his left hand.

"Just be careful next time" his voice was like a double edged sword, calm and deadly. I wouldn't be forgetting that voice anytime soon, that's for sure.

Before I could remove my hand from my face, he was gone.

Not giving myself a second longer to feel embarrassed, I straightened my back, and moved forward.

Parking my car in front of my new home, I finally allowed the tears to fall, I did it. It took a minute for me to compose myself before finally looking up at the beautiful apartment building feeling a sense of pride replace the feeling of lost that consumed me.

I didn't waste a minute longer admiring the property, there would be plenty of time for that, for now I had to get settled in as soon as possible then make my way down to get my shop space all ready for business.

Fishing my phone from my purse, I quickly dialed my assistant and trusted friend.

"Finally, everything is basically all ready for you. The finishing touches that you suggested yesterday are all done. Everything is all sorted at your apartment, you'll just need to pack a way a few things and the luggage you have with you."

"I know how you are, so until you get here we won't start filling the shelves. How was your flight?What time will you be here?"

This is what I love about Michael, he was always on top of everything. Flying him out here a week early to handle things was a good move I must say.

"Good morning to you too Michael, I just arrived at the apartment, the flight was ok. I'll just drop everything off, freshen up and head there right away"

Balancing my phone between my ear and my shoulder, I grabbed as much bags as I could and headed to the entrance of the building. Luckily, as soon as I entered a staff member hurried to help me with my bags saving me from an impending disaster.

"I got to go Michael, I'm heading up" ending the call I flashed the receptionist a smile.

"Genesis Love, I'm new to the building. I had all arrangements handled and was told I could pick up the keys here"

"Ms Love, nice to finally have you. I'm Shina Brown the receptionist for the building. Everything have been prepared for you, Marcus will take you up to your apartment" flashing her one last smile, I trailed behind Marcus releasing one final breathe.

This is it.

To say my apartment was even more breathtaking than the pictures would be an understatement. I took a minute to savor the view, before rushing to freshen up to meet Michael.

It took me 15 minutes to arrive at my shop's location, and I was  excited to see how everything turned out as it relates to decor. Of course I had been monitoring everything via the internet but it's just something about seeing a vision come to life in person that cannot be replaced.

Walking into my very own store was a dream come true, every little detail that I had ordered had been brought to life. It was absolutely perfect. My heels clicked across the titled floors and I opened my arms engulfing Michael in a hug.

"Damn, don't go all soft on me now Love" despite his snarky remark, he hugged me back.

We continued to gush about the place together, while adding a few finishing touches.

"I think that's it for the day guys" I said.

When the last of the work men left I erupted in a happy squeal, jumping up and down rapidly my heels clanking on the tiled floor.

"Michael can you believe this? My God" my breaths were short and I'm sure if anyone saw me through the glass windows I'd look like an hyperactive mess.

"I've been your assistant and friend might I add for almost 3 years, call me Mike for Goddess' sake" he said rolling his eyes.

"I've literally been begging you to drop the formalities Love" he walked over to me giving me a side hug, smiling from ear to ear despite his frustration.

"It's a habit Michael, oops-"

Before I could comprehend it, he had me lifted in the air, spinning me in circles while I giggled like a maniac.

He was one of the only persons who could bring out this light hearted side of me.

Knee deep in giggles we didn't hear someone come in.

"Are you both done?"

That voice.


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