Soulmates - Captianwinterspider

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Summary :- Peter never believed in soulmates cause of his past but what happens when he is fated with two super soldiers from the 40's.

A/n :- Peter is 25


There is a half heart tattooed on your wrist from the moment you are born and when you touch your romantic soulmate it turns into a full heart and it keeps glowing when you are near them. This system is gender neutral, a guy can be fated to another guy and a girl can be fated to another girl. And sometimes you can be fated to two people and if that's the case then when you meet your second soulmate a gold halo forms above your full heart, and you are bounded to them for the rest of your life and true love will bloom between you.

But to Peter that was all a bunch of bullshit.

If this things are real and you will be always happy with your soulmates then what about his parents? They fought all day and night until they died, his aunt and uncle they divorced because of the exact same reason. He lived with his aunt until she passed away on a car crash and God knows where his uncle is.

He dropped out of college and joined a cafe but he was still Spiderman, he also earned a few here and there with helping people in that red and blue spandex his mentor created. He hid the fact that he was struggling to his mentor until one day, the man barged into his house with raging eyes and scolded him for not asking for help.

Then Tony took him to the tower and he had to live with the Avengers from then, but thankfully his secret was hidden from them. He never really interacted properly with them, afraid he would spill something he shouldn't.

But that didn't last long, the Avengers forced Tony to reveal the mysterious hero's identity to them and that's how he was standing in front of the superheros in his suit.

"So, everybody this is Spiderman" Peter slowly took off his mask as Tony said that. There were a few gasps.

"Isn't this your PI?" Clint asked and Tony nodded.

"Yes he is my PI but also Spiderman" he looked around as the heroes let out understanding hums, then his eyes caught the two soldiers looking at him with awestruck faces so Peter being Peter snapped his head to the side.

"So Peter you can join us for movie night if you want" Tony said and a few let out sounds of agreement.

"Uh..sure Mr. Stark"


"So have you found your soulmate?" Wanda asked him halfway to the movie, gaining attention.

"No, I don't believe in soulmates" the room fell into silence at that only the sound of the TV was audible and their breathing. Why? Because everyone in the room had found a soulmate and was with him.

Natasha and Wanda were cuddling, Pietro and Clint were curled up next to each other, Tony was laying on Pepper's lap, Steve and Bucky were pressed together, Sam was texting his soulmate then froze and was now staring at him, Thor and Bruce were also cuddling, tho Rhodey's soulmate wasn't here he was also giving him eyes. So what Peter said was a daring thing.

"What?" They all asked at the same time, creeping him out.

"I don't believe in soulmates" he repeated and everyone glanced at each other shocked.

"Why not?" It was Bruce who asked.

"Because of past experiences, which I don't wanna share, sorry" he said with a blank face and it was silent again for a few seconds before Pepper cleared her throat.

"Let's continue the movie"


Next day, Peter was walking through the halls then he notice Steve and Bucky walking his way, chatting with each other and accidentally their bodies brushed together and an electric wave coursed through them and all three stumbled back.

They stared at each other in shock before the soldiers looked at their wrist and Peter copied their actions. There it was, a full heart with a halo on top. He gulped hard and looked up again when he felt eyes boring into his head.

"E-excuse me" he pushed past them, ignoring their calls and ran to his room.

No, no, no, this can't be happening right now! No way! this is just some sick realistic dream! Yes, that was it he was not fated to two super soldiers! He wouldn't believe it.

He glanced to his wrist again and grimaced at the mark. He ran his hands over his face and plopped himself onto the bed and closed his eyes.


Few hours later, he woke from his nap not even realising when he fell asleep in the first place. He stood up and his eyes automatically went to his wrist and the mark was still there.

He cursed at nothing and walked out of his room but he crashed into a solid chest and before he fell onto the floor a hand wrapped around his waist and brought him to his feet.

It was Bucky.

"Hi" the older man said and Peter blinked at him. Before he can say anything Peter spoke.

"I know what you are gonna say but don't! You guys don't need me okay? Just ignore that I am your soulmate and live like you used to" he said and ran away before the other could stop him.

This went on for a few days, the two soldiers trying to convince but he always ran away. Even the others tried helping them but nothing worked but one day, when Peter went to get some old gadgets from the storeroom, Bucky and Steve snuck in and locked the door.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked with a shaky breath.

"You need to stop avoiding us and we need to talk" Steve said.

"About what?"

"Your past" Peter sighed and decided he needed to stop running away.

"My parents were soulmates but they never got along same goes for my aunt and uncle they divorced each other and I grew up hearing them argue all day and night, did you expect me to believe in these things?"

"Peter that's because they chose not to get along, don't make the same mistake. Just give us a chance, we will prove it to that this is all real" Bucky spoke in a soft voice.

Peter stood there debating with his mind before letting out a sigh of defeat.

"Fine" He watched as huge smiles erupted on their features. Maybe he won't regret this.


Note :- part two? Or should I end this one here?

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