Maybe It's Time

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Summary :- Peter just can't anymore.


Peter stared into distance rethinking about the resent events. Flash was always and still is a dick, always mentioning and bullying him about his whole family's death. MJ grew distant from Peter why? That's his fault, he constantly snapped at her due to his anger issues which he couldn't control anymore. Ned started getting scared of Peter, he can't blame the boy, he would subconsciously glare or growl at him, whenever they hung out. And even when he tries to apologize, his voice betrays him and sounds almost menacing. He now started getting more hurt from patrols due to being careless. He always shows up to school with cuts and mark on his face and body, sometimes even a black eye. But nobody dared to question him, because he was not the sunshine Peter Parker anymore. He was something else, everytime someone tries to approach him, worried, he glares at them without even knowing and they back down just like that.

Whenever he would walk the halls, everyone would part away like the Red Sea. Which just makes him more angry and sad, he would find himself spacing out a lot more than usual, wondering why he always suffered. Maybe the world hated him too much.

He cries to sleep almost every night, have nightmares and barely gets a goodnight sleep. His eyes are always puffy and red, with black Mark's under. His lips would always have a cut, he yells at anyone and everyone. He don't mean to, it just happens.

And that got him where he is now, no MJ, no Ned, no friends, no Tony, no May, no Ben, no Mom and no Dad, no one, he had no one now. And it was all his fault. If he did not pick a fight with Ben and ran off, he would still be alive right now. If he was more careful with his work then maybe May would be alive. If he snapped instead of his mentor, the world wouldn't have lost someone so amazing, well who was Peter anyway. Tony deserved to live not him. If Peter just did not exist maybe his parents could be happy and well. And his friends? He shouldn't have came in their life and put them in danger and then snap at them for helping him. Yeah Peter was the worst.

He shouldn't be alive, he shouldn't, he doesn't deserve it. Maybe it's time, no not maybe, it's definitely time. He should've been dead long before but fate didn't let him be, so he will do it now. Afterall he was a curse, everywhere he went only trouble came. So why bother anybody anymore?. He is going to get rid off himself.

Standing on top of the tallest building in NYC at midnight, Peter smiled. He mumbled an apology and goodbye before jumping off. This was it, this was his end. Goodbye world. Peter Parker completed his cursed journey.


I apologise if it was not good :)

And no I am not guilty for killing him off, though he is my favourite.

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