Time Travel - Winterspider

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Summary :- Peter Parker and Sergeant James Barnes is inlove and shit happens.

A/n : this is my au, there will be alot of differences.


Peter was sad, James was leaving for the war and who knows if he will return. Right now he was sitting under a gaint banyan tree where he usually meets up with James or whenever he wanted to just take his mind of things.

"Heya doll" Peter smiled hearing the voice, he looked up and saw his 'forbidden' boyfriend. James sat down next to Peter and pecked his lips.

"Hi" Peter replied shortly and leaned on his shoulder. James hummed and leaned his head on Peter's.

"Are you still worried about the war?" James asked him and Peter looked up at him with a scowl. "I'll take that as a yes."

"James will you be safe and come back?" Peter knew James can't stay and needs to go but all those bad thoughts are making him want to throw a big tantrum and make James stay.

"I will be back doll, I always come back" James assured him and gave him another peck. Peter let out a heavy sigh.

"But what if you don't this time?" James paused for a moment before smiling again. He took off his dog tags and handed them to Peter.

"Here take these, I will definitely come back for these and you" James said. Peter put the dog tags on and smiled up at him.

"You better come back or else!" Peter threatened him but happened to look like an angry puppy. James chuckled and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss.


"I-im sorry, but we lost him" Steve said, his eyes welling up with tears again. Yeah Peter was broken, his heart had shattered into millions of pieces.

"I-uh I need to go" Peter ran away from there ignoring Steve's calls. He need some time alone and cry his heart out.

Rushing inside his room, he locked the door and flopped onto the bed. Finally letting his tears fall, he sobbed onto the pillow. He had the dog tags clutched in his hands as he cried and cried.


"James c'mon dance"

"Doll you're drunk, let's go home"

"I'm fine"


"Why was he holding her hand, when he's supposed to be mine..it's my party and I'll cry if I want to~"

"He sings amazing"

"Yeah..he is my doll after all"



"Doll? What are you doing up there?"


"I'm coming up"


"Mm~ James s-stop we're in public"

"No one will see us doll"

"Hmm..Kiss me"

"With pleasure"


"Well well well, if it isn't Peter Parker. The most beautiful human being in the world"

"Well well well, if it isn't Sergeant Barnes. My Jamie"


Peter just wanted him back. He screamed into the pillow as memories flooded in his head.

"J-james..please c-come back" it fucking hurts thinking about him but he can't help it. The thought of never seeing James again forever crushed him. If only he could turn back time and stop James from leaving.


Peter's life was certainly not fun after James's death, shortly after the the incident Steve was frozen again and it was just him, Howard and Peggy.

Well mostly him and Peggy as Howard rarely ever had time to himself. Also he had a son, Tony was a sweetheart except for the part he likes blow things up. He and Peter got along very well, considering the fact that both of them are little geniuses. But of course there was a familiar emptiness in his heart, something he had before meeting James and now it had returned and Peter did not like that.

Right now he was in Howard's lab to test out a time machine Howard created after trying so hard to convince the scientist to let him do it. He had nothing to lose while Howard had a family, so being the angel he is he agreed on this.

"Peter are you sure about this?" Howard asked for the nth time. Inturn Peter just nodded getting slightly fed up with answering verbally for the same question he had been asked for the past 10 minutes.

"Okay, so we will sent you 1 week to the future to see if it works alright?" He asked getting the machine ready and putting on the date and time.

"Yep! Let's do this" Peter said with excitement, yeah maybe he had a plan to save James but now nobody needs to know that. He had already said his farewells to Tony and Peggy just incase so he was safe to proceed.

"Okay..3...2...1..sending you in" Peter felt lightheaded, he felt himself get sucked into the machine and there were lots and lots of colours everywhere. It was weird "Peter!" Was the last thing he heard before everything went silent.

That silence didn't last long when he was met with honking and chatters, adjusting his view he looked around the place, surely this much things couldn't have changed in 1 week right?.

"The fuck?" He whispered to himself as he stood up -stumbling as he did so- "where am I?" Well that probably wasn't the right question but who cares.

He saw a guy sitting on a bench not so far from him while sipping from a weird kind of cup. "Uh..excuse me?" That got the strangers attention as he took off a weird type of gadget from his ear. "May I ask..what year is this?".

The stranger gave him a questioning gaze but who can blame him. "Uh this is 2016?" It came out more as a question than an answer.

"Thank you so much sir, is there a newspaper I could borrow?" Peter asked as politely as he could. The man nodded and pointed to a store or cafe near.

"There, you can find a few there" thanking the man, he rushed to the cafe and entered the place. This is very different than how he imagined the future to be.

He took a newspaper and set himself down on a chair and read through the paper. "Who is the Winter Soldier? Avengers? What is that?..Tony Stark? TONY STARK!" He quickly hushed himself when he noticed the glances he got.

He rushed out of the store with the newspaper and went to find his godson. He didn't have much hope but you won't know what will happen until you do it right?.


Note :- the next part will be up soon, not sure when but hope you enjoyed this.

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