Worthy?! - Lokison

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Summary :- Thor had always thought his brother's son Peter was worthy, so he decided to put his theory to test.


Peter was walking down the great hall of the castle, his mind was filled with happy thoughts. Especially since he won a huge competition among the asgardians. But it was soon interrupted by his grandfather.

"Peter" he halted in his steps at his deadpanned voice, he slowly turned around and bowed his head.

"Grandfather..." he tailed off, Odin eyed him up and down before speaking, his voice hinting slight disgust.

"What must you be doing in this part of the castle?"

"I was just going to my room, and this way is the fastest" He replied honestly. "And who taught you that?" Odin questioned again.

"Uh..My father"

"Of course he did" Odin muttered in annoyance and Peter heard it clearly. He bit his cheeks to not let himself say something offensive.

"Well, let me tell you, don't get your head up in the sky because you won a stupid competition. You clearly are not worth of it" Peter looked at him in disbelief.

"But grandfather, I won fair and square" Odin raised his eyebrow at that and scoffed.

"As if, I'm pretty sure you're father did some mischief in the system to make you win" Peter furrowed his eyebrows.

"He would never!"

"Do not raise your voice on me" Peter slumped his shoulders. Why is it whenever he does anything to make his grandfather proud, it never works.

"My apologies grandfather" Odin let out another scoff, before walking away from there. Peter sighed but soon straightened his position when he heard a hiss. He saw a green snake slithering to him, a small smile slipped on his face at the sight. The snake stopped infront him and in a blink of an eye his father was standing before him.

"Hello father" Loki smiled at him, not fake or mocking. Just a genuine smile a parent shows their child.

"Hello son, do not listen to your grandfather. You have every right to be proud of your achievement" Peter smiled widely at him, his father always said what he wanted to hear and he was glad to have such father.

"Thank you father, I appreciate it" Loki nodded, his eyes ever so lightly lit up when he noticed the figure behind Peter, confused Peter turned around to be met with his grandmother.

"Hello Peter, Loki can I have a word with him?" She looked over at Loki, who nodded.

"Of course mother" he patted Peter's back before disappearing into thin air. Peter turned to Frigg who was smiling widely at him. Peter shared a very great bond with his grandmother. She always cared for him and comforted him all the time and Peter always returned her care.

"Come along dear" she gently pulled Peter and held his hand firmly and started walking with him. "You should be proud of yourself."

"Your grandfather might have said things but don't believe him, he is just jealous" Peter raised an eyebrow.

"Jealous?" Now why would Odin Borson be jealous of him?. Frigg nodded.

"Yes, you are very powerful Peter. You just don't realise it, after all you are the God of Mind and Wisdom and a Frost giant" she said, a proud smile dancing on her lips.

"Mother is right you know" a new voice was heard, both of them jumped slightly not have been alerted of the new presence.

"And I think you just might be worthy to rule Asgard" Thor said, joining the duo. Peter's eyes widened.

"Me? Worthy to rule Asgard? That's impossible" he denied. There is no way he can rule Asgard.

"That's true you have to be worthy" Frigg still had her soft smile displayed on her face. Peter thought about it, can he be worthy?.

"Let's test it out shall we?"


Lot of asgardians were present in the throne room, Odin sat high on his throne, Thor stood before him facing his people. Frigg sat next to Odin and Loki stood next to her with Peter by his side.

"My fellow asgardians, today we are present here to test if my nephew, Peter Lokison is worthy" people started whispering to each other.

"Come along young Peter, try to lift Mjöllnir" Peter nervously gulped and walked towards the hammer, feeling all eyes boring into his skull just made him more nervous and his mind reading powers were not helping at all.

He stood infront of Mjöllnir. Glancing around one more time, he gently wrapped his fingers around the handle and tried to lift it and much to his surprise it lifted. The room fell into silence as everyone just stared at the hammer held high by Peter, with wide eyes.

"YES! I KNEW IT! HE IS WORTHY!" Thor's loud voice boomed through the walls and everyone broke into cheers and claps. Loki smirked proudly while clapping his hands. Frigg had a wide smile on her face and Odin just stared still in his shock.

"After me, Peter shall rule Asgard" Thor announced.


Peter was celebrating in his room, he could not believe it. He was worthy? How? Why? Now he will be the future king after his uncle. It was exciting and nerve-wracking.

"My dear nephew" Peter's heart nearly jumped out of his chest. He spun on his heels and was met with a very familiar woman. She had long black hair and black smoky eyes.

"Auntie Hela, you scared me!" He whisper yelled at his aunt who in return smirked. Yes, he was close to his Aunt, she reminded him alot of his father and he always thought everything was unfair for her, so he build up the courage and went to find her and earned her trust and love.

"My apologies, little troublemaker" she said and walked closer to him and ruffled his hair.

"Can you believe it! I am worthy" he bounced on his feet, exicted. Hela tried to hide her smile but her eyes betrayed her.

"So I have heard, I always knew you had it in you" she said proudly. "Be a great king Peter and bring justice to everyone"

"I will auntie Hela, I promise" He smiled wide, before wrapping his arms around her. "Thank you" he whispered and Hela smiled a small smile, so small you wouldn't notice from a little far. She too slowly wrapped her arms around him.

"You're welcome"


Note :- Yes, Hela has a soft spot for Peter, I mean why wouldn't she? He is Peter Parker or well Lokison.

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