Making It Possible

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"Can we do another one?" Pinto asked his brother, hanging off the side of his bed

"Another what, Pinto?" Peso asked innocently, genuinely not knowing what his baby brother was talking about.

"Another question, please." Pinto begged, "I'm bored."

"Alright, fine." Peso took his baby brother by the flipper and led him to the Game Pod where everyone else was.

"Excuse me." Peso cleared his throat, "Pinto wants to do another dare, so if I have your permission."

"Excellent," the Captain beckoned Peso to come sit in his lap, "We were just about to get you two. Pinto, would you like to read this one?"

"Yes!" Pinto eagerly rushed forward as the Captain handed him the tablet, "From @RainbelisaAwesome, I dare Tweak and Kwazii to not torture each other for one day, and I bet all my candy u can't do it, and I have a lot of candy." Nobody spoke. The stakes were high for Kwazii and Tweak, they had a reason to win, but then again, this was Kwazii and Tweak; the longest they'd ever lasted previously was around 1 minute or so.

"I don't know whether or not they're gonna do it." Squirt finally spoke, "I mean, they'll get a lot of candy if they do it, but can they do it?"

"Dashi," Both Tweak and Kwazii sat themselves down on either end of the poor woman, "how do we not torture each other?"

"I don't know, stay away from each other for a day?" Dashi looked pointedly at the pair of them.

"Kwazii gets bored in the middle of the night, so he usually comes and bugs me to go and play with him so that's not gonna work." Tweak grumbled and gave Kwazii the stink eye.

"Oi! It's not every night!" Kwazii pouted.

"I know it's not every night, idiot, I said USUALLY. Usually means you do it far more than you probably should!" Tweak said like she was talking to a toddler.

"Alright, you're done, both of you." Dashi said firmly, like she was talking to her little sisters, "Let's do another for now."

"Fine by me." Tweak shrugged.

"Go ahead, matey." Kwazii agreed as Dashi picked up the tablet again.

"From DolphinGirl123456," Her voice trailed off, "Oh no, no way!"

"What? Tweak bustled over to her best friend and began to read over her shoulder, "Woowee! It says, 'Who were the last three people you texted and what did the messages say?"

"Ooh," Jane winced in what appeared to be sympathy, but her tone changed almost immediately, "can we send this DolphinGirl123456 person a trophy?"

Tweak chuckled at her apprentice, "For what, silly?"

"For the best question sent?" Jane asked innocently. Tweak laughed harder this time.

"You're adorable, but no. That ain't too nice to Dashi." Tweak ruffled her apprentice's hair and both of them went right back to Dashi.

"Your phone?" Koshi stuck out her paw, and Dashi reached into her pocket and hesitantly put the phone in her little sister's paw.

"Who's the first?" Pinto asked eagerly, settling in beside Koshi.

"The first is Tweak, no surprises." She replied.

"What does the message say?" Pinto peered over her shoulder.

"It says 'I'm going to bed now, goodnight Tweaky, don't stay up too late." Koshi snickered, "That's likely."

"What? It wasn't that late!" Tweak pretended to protest as she pulled Koshi closer to her.

"Very likely." Dashi agreed as she sat down beside Tweak and gave her a hug, "What time did you go to bed anyways, Tweaky?"

"About 4 or 5 AM. Why?"Tweak replied, hugging her back.

Dashi smiled, "I rest my case."

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