This Should Be Interesting

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The next morning when everyone had gathered in the Game Pod for the challenge, the Captain seemed to be in a better mood than usual.

"Good morning everyone, hope you all slept well, anyway, we have another dare from this JustOneToughCookie. I like their username. Peso? Would you like to read this one?" The penguin was startled from the sudden beam of attention that had suddenly be shifted onto him and gulped.

"M-me?" He stuttered, looking nervously around.

"Yes," The captain walked over and placed a supporting arm around the penguin's shoulders, "It's alright, don't be frightened." He whispered soothingly. Peso closed his eyes and took a deep shaky breath in.

"I'm ready." He declared, and began to read.

"@JustOneToughCookie: I dare Kwazii to wear Dashi's prettiest, pinki-est dress, let the kids do his hair, and talk like Inkling for a whole day." Here, everyone desperately tried to hold back their laughter, and failed.

"WHAT?!?!??!?!!" Kwazii screamed, unfortunately, right into a certain bunny's ear.

"Cool your jets, you stupid-" She leaned over to Jane, "What's that word again, sweetie?"

"What word?"

"The one you use on Pinto on the time!"

Dashi sat bolt upright, "You are not telling her, Jane Doxter!" She teasingly scolded, but secretly, a deep part of her kind of wanted to hear how this would end.

"I won't tell her." Jane raised her arms in surrender, and Dashi furrowed her brows, not buying it for a second.

"S-A-U-K-E-R-L" Jane spelled at top speed.

"Ah, thanks, baby!" Tweak ruffled her apprentice's hair, "Cool your jets, you stupid saukerl!" Squirt looked expectingly at the very grumpy pirate cat, Kwazii sighed.

"I haven't a clue who this "Saukerl" is, you blathering idiot." Kwazii muttered in his best impression of the professor's posh accent. The professor in question cringed at the horrible impersonation.

"And the outfit?" Koshi reminded him.

"Aw, don't remind me, lil matey!"  He groaned, but was smiling, and reached out a paw to ruffle her hair. Squirt cleared his throat.

"Ehem, I mean, kindly do not bring my clothing into this conversation my dear girl." Kwazii hastily amended.

"A dare's a dare Kwazii, you can't go back on it." Pinto smirked. Kwazii sighed and slumped his shoulders in defeat.

"Oh, go on then!" He grumbled as the kids dragged him out of the Game Pod and into the library with a pair of scissors and a frilly pink dress that Tweak was both amused and disgusted by. The adults stood in the Game Pod, both amused and concerned for what was about to unfold next.
"Absolutely not!" They finally heard shrieking from the hallways, "Your sister is currently in possession of her camera. I refuse to go in there!"

"Aw!" They heard Pinto groan, "But Kwazii, you look so good!"

"I see right through your tricks, you little scoundrel!" But eventually, Kwazii cwent into the Game Pod, bit by bit, and everyone's dignity failed. No one was able to hold back their laughter at a very grumpy Kwazii in an ill-fitting, frilly pink dress with smudges of ink on it and with his hair in ribbons with parts of it shaved off completely.

"I did the haircut!" Pinto puffed out jos chest, looking very proud for someone who very likely ruined Kwazii's hair and his social life.

"Oh Kwazii," Tweak teased, "You look so nice!" Kwazii just smiled.

"It is quite likely that you'll get your turn soon, my friend, very soon indeed."

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