Morbid Curiosity

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Finally, to save them from going down the spiral of boredom and insanity, the little tablet gave a ding as a stampede of creatures rushed to it.

"What does it say, matey?!" Kwazii screeched, reaching out for the tablet that Tweak currently held.

"No way I'm letting you have it!" She smiled and stuck her tongue out at him.

"C'mon, give it!" Kwazii lunged toward Tweak for the tablet. Somehow, two fully-grown adults ended up rolling on the floor and tussling over a tablet screaming insults that even the KIDS outgrew.

"Here," For a 19 year old, Dashi was a pro at breaking up arguments, "I'll take it."

"Wha- why does she get it?!" Kwazii exclaimed.

"Dashi asked nicely." Tweak responded smugly.

"Oh, never mind that!" Kwazii exclaimed, "What does it say, matey?!"

"Ask nicely, Kwazii." Dashi reminded.

Kwazii hissed in frustration, but asked again, "May you please read it to me? Please?"

"Absolutely. Dashi smiled and held the tablet up.

"From @RainbelisaAwesome I dare Peso to sing a song with ONE lucky person."

"Who wants to do it?" The Captain asked.

"Captain, y-you?" Peso began.

"No thank you, I'm not much of a singer."

"I can, matey." Kwazii offered.

"NO!" All the kids yelled and ducked behind the couch.

"No thank you, Kwazii, maybe another day, I'm sorry." Peso looked at Kwazii apologetically and gave him a hug.

"Dos Oruguitas. Enamoradas. Pasan sus noches, y madrugadas." The last note died on Squirt's lips.

"Llenas de hambre." Peso continued for him, "Siguen andando. Y navegando un mundo que cambia sigue cambiando, navegando un mundo que cambia sigue cambiando. Their voices alternated for another verse, until,

"Ay oruguitas. No se aguanten mas." Their voices began to swell in a beautiful harmony. Squirt could feel his lungs scream for air, but he ignored them. He'd never felt more glorious in his life.

"Good work, Squirt!" Peso congratulated him. The Vegimals swarmed him, clapping their little flippers together, pulling on his tentacles, hugging him, asking for more, etc. and he glowed with pride. Never had he been so loved and noticed by so many.
"What's next, matey?!" Kwazii shrieked and cannon-balled into a beanbag chair.

"Tweak took the tablet from Dashi and whistled appreciatively.

"Ooh, I like this DolphinGirl123456, she's the woman of the hour!"

"Why?!" Pinto leaned forwards on his two flippers and peered over Tweak's shoulders.

"From @DolphinGirl123456, I dare Kwazii to tell everybody the last 3 people he texted and what the messages said." Pinto emerged from the tablet with wide sparkling eyes, "This is going to be funny."

"Kwaz," Tweak held her paw out, "Your phone?" Kwazii grumbled but handed it to Pinto.

"Hey, how come he gets the phone?" Tweak complained.

"Cos I like him more." Kwazii very maturely stuck his tongue out at her. Tweak displayed a wonderful example of maturity as well by adding in a little mumbled, "dumb head."

"Wow!" Pinto giggled at Kwazii's phone and held it closer, "Saumensch, come look what Kwazii said to Tweak!"

"What?!" Jane vaulted over the couch and ran to Pinto. Her eyes widened, and her eyes lit up with amusement. At this point, Tweak and Kwazii along with everyone else had come over to see what the fuss was about.

"So who were the three people?" Shellington asked skeptically.

"Tweak, the Captain, and his mother." Pinto replied and kept scrolling.

"We'll what does it say then?" Squirt asked as well, pushing his way up by his friends.

"Oh," Jane leaned over Pinto's shoulder and read. "Kwazii said to Tweak: You're so ugly that you turned Medusa to stone."

"Kwazii." Peso reminded gently, "Be nice to Tweak!"

"She said I was so fat that my baby pictures had to be take from satellite!" Kwazii protested.

"Were you two looking at those dumb roasts online again?" Dashi groaned. Tweak and Kwazii said nothing, but their silence let her know all there needed to be known.

"Are the texts to his mother and the Captain better than that at least?" Shellington asked, rubbing his temples.

"I don't know." Pinto shrugged, "I'm looking at his search history."

"Oh no, lil matey," Kwazii ran to Pinto and tried coaxing Pinto into give him his phone, "It's not for you, don't read it, please?"

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