Family Over Duty

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"Oh, we have quite a lot of questions for the Captain." Squirt commented as he watched Tweak scroll through the endless list of requests sent to them.

"Should we pick one, Shellington Junior?" Tweak asked, using her special term of endearment for her little friend.

"Alright." Squirt agreed and placed one tentacle to his eyes and chose randomly, "From Uniquedoll602, Captain Barnacles; Have you ever thought about having kids?"

"That's a very good question." The Captain responded from his beanbag chair in the center of the room with a paw to his chin, pondering intently over the question.

"I'd have to say, yes. I've thought about it before as a young cub, but I don't think about it anymore."

"Why?" The young dumbo octopus asked inquisitively, his head tilted slightly to one side as if that would help him see the Captain in a different light.

"Because I have," The Captain did a quick headcount, "21 beautiful children of my
own now."

"What about Uncle Inkling?" Squirt asked, deftly recounting before the Captain could get another word out.

"Your uncle is more of a mentor to me than a child." The Captain responded with love in his eyes warming up the little boy he currently had his arm around.

"But do you still love him the same?"

"No and yes." The Captain mused, "I love Professor Inkling in a different way than the way I love all of you, but I do not love him any more, do you get what I'm saying, dear boy?"

"Aye-aye Captain." Squirt grinned widely.

"Oh, here's another great one! Goodness, we've got some smart people in the room right now." Tweak shook her head and chuckled, "From @LoveFanfics2222, What's one thing you love about each member of your crew, kids included? (I'm not going to ask you what you love most about them because I know you could never pick, lol)"

"That... is a lot." The Captain seemed shocked at how much one person was able to type, "Thank you for not making me choose. I greatly appreciate your kindness. Oh, goodness, I don't know who to start with."

"Start with your favorite!" Kwazii called out.

"He doesn't have a favorite, idiot!" Tweak elbowed Kwazii in the ribs, "Don't make him choose that way."

"I'll go by the order you all stand in for Roll Call usually." The Captain decided, but added in, "Do I do the Vegimals as a group or as one?" Everyone shrugged their shoulders.

"I'll start with Kwazii. Hmmm, what to say about Kwazii." The Captain murmured.

"I can help." Tweak offered.

"No thank you, Tweak. There are currently children present." Inkling quickly stepped in and began to signal for the bunny not to say whatever she had in mind. Tweak only shrugged, and sat back down.

"I'd say I love Kwazii's..." Here the Captain paused, as if he had his tongue on the right word, but didn't quite have it on his lips yet, "energy. He's always full of it.

Peso knows how to be brave under any circumstances.

Shellington is very enthusiastic about science and works very hard on his research.

Dashi is always so cool-headed and responsible.

Professor Inkling is so dedicated to our cause and works so hard to give us enough to sustain ourselves on.

Tweak is one of the most firm but loving people I've ever met, and I need to figure out how she keeps Kwazii in line.

Koshi is a very bright little girl, and she's a very perceptive child. Squirt is an inquisitive young lad, and always trying to learn something new.

Jane can make me smile, however tired or upset I am, and Pinto is full to bursting with smiles and love that he is only too happy to give out.

As for the Vegimals, I love their kindness, and how they're always willing to feed any hungry creatures who come their way." At this, around 10 of the little sprouts began to waddle towards the Captain and wrapped their little flippers tightly around him.

"Oh, they say thank you for saying such nice things about them, and that you're the best Captain ever because you're so cuddly and sweet and smart."

"Can't deny that." Tweak held her hands up in mock surrender and went to go embrace the Captain.

"We love ya, big guy." Kwazii hugged the Captain as tightly as he could, and patted him hard on the back.

"I love you too. All of you." The Captain whispered and smiled lovingly at his children and mentor. In his eyes, they were the most beautiful sight he could ever encounter.

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