A New Skill

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"So who's up?" Tweak asked nonchalantly as Dashi perused the next of DolphinGirl123456's questions.

"You've done it, and so have I and Kwazii, so who should be next?" Tweak shrugged

"It's up to thethirdweasleytwin to choose," She continued, "Who do you think they'll pick."

"The Captain." Dashi answered instantly.

"What makes you say that?" Tweak chuckled and sat up a little straighter.

"They just responded and said they dare the Captain to show us the last three people he texted and what the messages said." Dashi said nonchalantly, not even taking her eyes off the tablet.

"Oh," The fatherly polar bear captain seemed taken aback as he seemed to hand his phone to Tweak without conscious thought, "Well, er, the very last person I texted was my sister Bianca. Here is my phone."

"What does it say?" Peso asked sweetly as he waddled up to Tweak and peered over the armrest.

"It says, 'I love you, Bee. Say hello to the little darlings for me.'" An 'awwwww!' went through the entire room as the Captain's cheeks went redder than a any part of a polar bear should ever be.

"That's sweet of you, Captain." Peso beamed as he shuffled over to the Captain, "I take it the 'little darlings' are the cubs?"

"That they are." The Captain scooped Peso up in his lap, "And you are just about as darling to me as the cubs are."

"Awwwwwwww!" An even louder cry went through the entire room.

"Thank you, Captain. I love you too." Peso smiled shyly and snuggled in the Captain. The Captain couldn't help but smile too. His family- both biological and Octo-adopted- was perfect.

"What's next?" Peso asked curiously as Tweak gave a noncommittal shrug and Pinto picked up the tablet. He opened his beak to read before breaking down giggling and turning the tablet toward the other kids who began to laugh as well. Every sign pointed to this not ending in Peso's favor.

"From @g462rw9skgprivaterel, I dare Peso to teach Kwazii cumbia dancing."

"Wait, what's cumbia dancing?" Squirt asked Pinto who was far too excited to watch Kwazii dance with Peso for his own good.

"It's a Latin America dance that's super fun but can require two people to do ballroom dancing like stuff." He explained, bouncing up and down as if all his energy couldn't be contained in his tiny little body.

"Oh," Peso blushed a brilliant red, "Er, Kwazii? Would you like to start now?"

"Aw, matey..." Kwazii whined, clearly not looking forward to being humiliated, especially when Tweak had snatched Dashi's camera and was holding it in her lap like it was her new pet.

"Go on, Peso, Kwazii." Squirt could barely hold back all his giggles.

Peso sighed and looked up at the ceiling wondering why on Earth the fans would do this to him, "Kwazii, would you please step back with your left foot and pivot your left toes?" Kwazii did as he was told.

"Wonderful." Peso beamed and clapped encouragingly, "Now bring your left foot back to where it was." The cycle continued; Peso gave Kwazii simple instructions. Kwazii did as he was told. Peso praised Kwazii, until...

"Peso." Pinto gave his big brother the sweetest look his little face could muster, "Can you please teach Kwazii the partner dance, PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAASE?"

"Lil matey..." Kwazii rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, but caved as Pinto looked at him in the cutest way he possibly could, "Alright, fine, Peso?"

"We'd love to, schatzi." Peso forced a smile and patted his little brother on the head, "Kwazii, please stand facing me, there, like that, good job, Kwazii." Kwazii smiled at the praise.

"OK, now I'm going to step back with my right foot and you're going to step back with your left foot at the same time in 3, 2, 1. Wonderful, you're very talented, Kwazii!"

"Right." Kwazii muttered and blushed as brightly red as an orange cat like him could.

"Step back into the position we were first in," Peso guided patiently, "Now do the same thing with your right foot. Amazing work, Kwazii! Let's take it from the top!" Kwazii and Peso proceeded to run through the whole dance, more graceful than anyone had anticipated.

"Here comes the harder part, but I know you can do it well!" Peso reassured Kwazii as the cat paled.

"First, step back with your left foot while I step back with my right."

"Simple enough." Kwazii said cheerfully. The poor pirate cat had no idea what was coming for him. 

"Let go of my right flipper." Peso instructed gently as he lifted his little flipper as high as he could and stood on the tips of his toes, preparing to turn Kwazii, "There you go; plant your foot. Now turn, turn, oh Kwazii, no-" Peso was abruptly cut off as Kwazii began to spin out of control and an orange blur fell on top of him. The Captain rushed forward at once.

"Are you hurt? Are you?" The Captain asked worriedly, lifting Kwazii off of Peso and lifting both of his "sons" into his lap and searching them up and down for any injury before smothering them in the biggest hug imaginable as everyone behind him laughed so hard tears were rolling down their cheeks. 

"M'fine, Captain." Kwazii chuckled at the Captain's overprotective nature and hugged him right back.

"I think that's enough dancing for one day." Peso piped up meekly as the captain pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"You're right dear boy," The Captain murmured fondly as he cuddled Peso, "But between you and me, that was glorious."

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