Here's to the Women

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From his spot in the grasp of his crew, the Captain began to read aloud the next question.

"From Uniquedoll602, To Tweak: Why are you so angry all the time?"

"It's cos of Kwazii." Jane piped up as Dashi shushed her little sister.

"Jane, that's not polite, and it's Tweak's question, not yours." Dashi gently reminded her little sister.

"Nah, let her talk, Dash!" Tweak winked at her apprentice, "She ain't wrong, and besides, she's covering for me. Aren't ya, you little hellhound?" Jane smiled widely and nodded at Tweak.

Tweak chuckled and asked, "So can I answer now?"

"Ok." Jane said brightly, and Tweak put a paw to her chin.

"Like Jane said, Kwazii. That idiot cat barely has a functioning brain; he runs around the Octopod screaming nonstop at 3 AM cos this bozo drank 3 cups of hot cocoa, he crashes the Gups daily, he smells..." Here, Kwazii meowed in protest,

"Don't you meow at me!" Tweak pretended to snap at him, but the mischievous glimmer in her eyes gave her away, "You know all of it is true."

"Is not, yer the smelly one, matey!" Kwazii retorted.

"I am NOT!" Tweak hollered.
Everyone groaned and facepalmed. Out of all the things Kwazii and Tweak fight about, this had to be in the top 10 stupidest.

"For every minute they behave around each other, they spend the next ten trying to kill each other." Squirt whispered to Koshi, and she smiled. No one could prove him false on that one.

"Tweak, Kwazii, please." Peso pleaded with them, to no avail. The Captain then stood up and made his way over to the bickering pair.

"Maybe you two need a little time apart." He said firmly, and picked up Kwazii with ease and carried him out of the Game Pod after giving Tweak a light, loving kiss on the top of her ear.

"How about a we take a lengthy break from answering questions for the time being, and return with fresh minds later?" The professor suggested after the room fell silent, and no one could deny that it was a bad idea.
"YEEEEEOOOOOOW!" Kwazii screeched as he leaped into a beanbag chair from the ceiling, "Mind if I read the question?"

"Be my guest!" The Captain handed the tablet over, and watched Kwazii scroll for minutes until finally pausing on one.

"Aha! From DolphinGirl123456, To Dashi: if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?"

"I'm not sure." Dashi laughed, and turned to her sisters, "Would you two like to change anything about me?" Both of them shook their heads.

"Really?" Dashi asked, playfully putting both hands on her hips, "Then who was the one calling me Ms. No-Fun two nights ago?" Neither of her sisters answered, and Dashi strolled her eyes playfully. However much they drove her crazy, they were her baby sisters.

"Oh, the question!" Dashi remembered suddenly, "I'm really not sure. There's a whole lot of stuff about me that I want to change."

"Don't." Tweak scooted in closer to her best friend, "We love ya the way you are, Dash, promise." Both her little sisters immediately latched themselves onto her, and she hugged them back in complete shock. She had always been ashamed of all her flaws, but they seemed to be welcomed on the Octopod.

"Dashi, you know what, I like Ms. No-Fun." Jane's eyes sparkled with the light that Dashi had learned to love with all her heart.

"Yeah." Koshi chimed in, "Ms. No-Fun is perfectly imperfect the way she is."

"Wuva!" All the Vegimals squealed in agreement.

"You're part of our family, Dashi. We love you." The Captain placed a loving paw on his Octo-adopted daughter's shoulder, "You don't have to change anything for us, I promise." Dashi couldn't help but shed a few tears. Never in her life had she known she had this much love all around her, and it was the most wonderful feeling she had ever experienced.

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