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"Alright," The Captain smiled, "who's next?"

"Kwazii." All the kids and Tweak chorused. The cat in question gave them a nasty look before taking the tablet from the Captain and reading,

"From @doggo_booknerd, I dare Kwazii to..." His usually loud and ceaseless voice faded away as he read, "No, no way, never in a century, matey!"

"What does it say?" Pinto screamed and leaned in for a closer look.

"Ah," Tweak grinned, "It says, 'I dare Kwazii to talk normal (not like a pirate) for a whole day.'" Tweak's smile only grew wider, "I like this doggo_booknerd person!"

"You like anyone who tortures Kwazii." Dashi corrected.

"But especially them." Tweak teased back, aiming a tiny flip at Dashi's ears.

"Here's another one." Jane said from her place at Kwazii's shoulder, peering at the tablet.

"What does it say?" Squirt asked curiously, making his way over to Kwazii as well.

"I dare Kwazii to not say 'matey' for 24 hours." Jane read.

"It's practically the same thing." Kwazii sighed, for once ditching the "matey" that came after all his sentences, and he pouted. This was going to be the longest day of his life.
The tablet pinged on the table that Tweak had just put her feet on, and she immediately took it. A message was blinking on the home screen. It took one look at the contact name and she called out to everyone,

"Hey guys, we got an incoming message from thethirdweasleytwin!"

"What?" The Captain quickly made his way to her and graciously accepted the tablet from her paws.

"Do we have another dare?" Kwazii asked apprehensively, ready to suck out of the room if another makeover was in store.

"Well, no." The Captain perused the message, "We have another dare, or so we think, Peso? Would you like to read it?"

"M-me?" Peso blushed a sweet shade of pink, "Alright then." He cleared his throat.

"Dare from all: We dare Peso and the Vegimals to have a stuffed animals party." The Vegimals bounced up and down, chattering happily before making a quick run to their room in the kitchens and returning with a handful of stuffed animals in each tiny pair of flippers.

Once they returned, all the Vegimals immediately held up their stuffed animals to Peso, clamoring all at once.

"One at a time," Peso gently ushered them, patting a few on the head, "One at a time please!" Shellington immediately stepped into the throe of chittering hyper Vegimals to assist Peso in calming them down.

"Calm down, please." Shellington gently commanded the Vegimals, 5 of which were tugging on his leg, "We can't start the play date party until you're all settled down."

That did the trick. In 5 minutes, what Peso and Shellington had tried to do for 30 had finally been accomplished.
"Oh, what a sweet baby!" Peso cooed towards Tomminow, "How old are they?"

"Dooa!" She chirped, clapping her tiny flippers together happily.

"I'm sorry." Peso pulled her into his lap, "I can't understand you."

"Una!" Tomminow chirped, holding up one of her tiny flippers, "Dooa!" She squealed, holding up the other.

"Oh, so she's two years old." Peso smiled in realization. Tomminow cheered and gave Peso a squeeze as another group of Vegimals began tugging on his other flipper, begging him to look at their pictures they had drawn.

"Duty calls!" Peso smiled, kissing Tomminow on the head and continuing to see what the other Vegimald had to show him.
"Peso and the little Vegimals have been gone for a long time, haven't they ma-"Jane immediately slapped a paw over his moth to keep him from losing his dare.

"They have been gone for a particularly long time. The Captain was deep in thought, "I'll go check on him."

Once he got to the door, the amount of happy laughter bubbling from the room made his heart swell; at least they were happy, but when he opened the door, his heart truly melted.

"Peso was sitting in the center of all the Vegimadl holding his stuffed animals and theirs in an little cardboard theater, making puppets out of them. The Vegimals were clearly loving it, chattering happily all the time and reaching out with their tiny little flippers to grab the characters. He closed the door smiling to himself with only one thought rolling in his mind.

"Maybe I should give them a little more time."

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