Part 17

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They had all gone to war. Not a single soul was left on the ships with me. When hybern sheild finally crashed down i saw it.

The bone carver and the bryaxis where fighting against hybern. I silently thanked the mother for whatever feyre had done. Then the weaver joined, and i knew i had my only shot to be free.

Closing my eyes i pulled on the bond, pulled till i felt it go taunt. And in a second i burst, all my magic i had kept bubbling under my skin erupted. Fire burnt everywhere around me, something happened and i felt my feet land softly in the sand.

Opening my eyes i grabbed the first sword and shield i could find. And i fought, coming up behind them. Using everything I could, unitl nothing stood.

"Althea!" My name, i spun in circles pulling at the bond trying to find him but my name echoed confusing my senses.
So i kept walking, i walked until i found something, someone. Anyone.

Horns sounded all around. I collapsed to my knees, the sounds where to loud. To loud. I ran. I ket running until i crashed into someone.

"Thea!" The male voice. "My god what happened." That voice I know that voice. Cassian.

"Cass?" I asked, i finally opened my eyes and removed my hands from my ears.

"Thea." He whispered and pulled me into his arms. He winnowed me straight to Rhysand and feyre.

"My god thea!" Feyre practically pounced on me. She gripped me tight, i held her tighter. "Your okay?" She asked.

"Not now." I said and pulled away.

"Althea." Nesta, i turned to her and was shocked when she pulled me into a hug. "I understand now." Was all she whispered before pulling away. I would have a lot of catching up to do.

"Your althea? The one who burnt about seven hybern ships?" A man asked, turning i saw him, drakon. The man from Rhysand memories, a friend.

"That was you?" Rhysand asked.

"It's whatever the cauldron did to me." I said. "But yes i did it."

Sighing i had to sit down all my energy was wearing thin but what drakon said next was shocking. And there sailing towards us where four ships. The feyre, the Elian, the althea, and led by the Nesta. A fitting choice. And our farther stood at the helm. Even nesta cried at the sight.

"I take it your acquainted?" Drakon asked.

"Meet nesta, althea and my mate feyre." Rhysand introduced.

"Speaking of vessa, was her curse — ended?" Rhysand asked.

"See for yourself." Was drakons reply.

Drakon gave cassian command of his legions and gave Rhysand a lecture from miryam. Then everything happened so fast. Nesta and cassian began to bicker, Amren and feyre went to shit down the cauldron and a new fight began.

I heard everything all at once, my farther dying, feyre screaming, the king, the fight. My eyes where darting to fast to keep up, the noice to loud. And so i let go. And i screamed.


Nothing, not a sound in the world. I stood looking around. Most of hyberns army where laying either dead or unconscious and hybern lay beheaded at the feet of nesta and elain. I saw amren and feyre still fighting to defeat the caldron. And amren unleashed herself on those who where left. Then the cauldron shattered into three pieces. It was done.

The i felt it, well the lack of power, Rhysands power. I found him, feyre crying over his body. I stumbled back, no no no. This can't be happening. They where supposed to survive. And yet somehow, somehow he did. Feyre had woven fate with her own hands and decided he would not die, not yet. And even amren tumbled from the cauldron in her new form, as high fae.

Mor hauled me and cassian to a healer and my hearing slowly returned.

"Whatever you did out there girl, changed the game." The healer said. "That magic you posses is as ancient as fae themselves, such raw and original magic." She mused.

"So its true." They all stood at my bed side. My family. Even my mate.

"What is?" I asked.

"You possess old magic, original raw magic, before fae formed it into what it is today?" Amren spoke.

"Its what ive been told." I mumbled. Azriel had sat beside me his arm wrapped around my waist for comfort. I had missed him, missed my family.

"We can figure it out. We have before." Feyre said.

"Can i speak with thea alone?" Nesta asked, slowly they all made themselves scares even azriel.

"Nesta, are you okay?" I asked.

"I am now, i think. But i wanted to tell you something. After you where taken and we arranged a meeting with all the high lords I finally realised i was being a coward. I looked at myself and then i looked at them, I thought about how you have always saw the best in everything, every situation. How you always fight for what is right. And I realised that not doing anything was wrong, i had a choice, a choice that could have made this war end very differently. But i made the choice, because for once in my life i heard you." I began crying, i pulled my sister into a hug and we cried together.

"I am so proud of you nesta. We may not always see eye to eye but i knew, deep down i knew that you would do whats right by others. I knew you would do something, i counted on you being stubborn." I told her.

"Im proud to call you sister." She smiled, she genuinely smiled.

"I am proud to have you as my sister." I replied smiling through my tears.

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