Part 5

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"Did he do anything else?" Rhysand asked, the midnight wisps of his power leaked around the room. I could only nod in response. I knew what he was implying, and those memories i had hidden away so deep that even rhys couldn't find them.

"Those bastards." Cassian growled making me flinch.

"Please dont tell feyre." I begged Rhysand down the bond.

"She doesn't know?" He asked.

"I couldn't bring myself to." I told him.

azriel quickly sat back and turned to me, took my hand in his and gave me a soft smile. I squeezed his hand so he knew I appreciated the comfort. it didn't meet my eyes but it was enough for his shoulders to relax.

"We will find a way to get your voice back." Azriel spoke. "I promise we'll find a way."

"You girl are stronger than most fae, maybe not physically but mentally." Amren said. I turned to her raising a brow slightly. she only grinned that wicked grin, devilish, I almost gave her the same one back, could feel that darkness id hidden inside wanting to show. but I held it down.

"Thank you." I signed, she gave me a tight lipped smile before turning back to Rhysand. disappointment flashed briefly in her eyes.

I ended up spending the day shopping with Amren. She showed me all her favourite jewels and where they came from, most from Rhysand. Mor ended up taking me shopping for a new dress for dinner.

"If Cassian is howling, i hope it means feyre told him to shut his fat mouth." Mor greeted as we entered from the balcony. I instantly looked for Azriel who stood by feyre with a small smile. I beamed and gave him a small wave before heading to get a drink. Unfortunately I wasn't allowed the wine.

"I dont know why i ever forget you two are related." Cassian complained. "You two and your clothes."

"I wanted to impress feyre. You could have at least comb your hair." Mor winked.

"Thats asking a bit much isn't it mor?" I gave a teasing grin as cassian rolled his eyes, even Azriel gave a small chuckle and shook his head.

"Unlike some people, i have better things to do with my time than sit in front of a mirror for hours." Cassian replied.

"Yes." Mor said. "Since swaggering around velarise.." mor went to say before Azriel cut in.

"We have company." Azriel reminded.

"Relax, Az. No fighting tonight, we promised rhys." Mor grinned and patted his shoulder.

"Come sit with me while they drink." Mor asked feyre who looked between me and rhys before following. "Unless you'd rather drink. But i want you all to my self before Amren hogs you." As if on que amren arrived sending me a wink.

Mor groaned sitting in a chair at the end of the table. Cassian across from her. I stood beside azriel grasping his hand as Amren approached my sister.

"Your taste remains excellent, high lord, thank you." Amrens first greeting about her gift from rhys.

"It suits you Amren." Rhys replied.

"Everything suits me." She replied before turning her attention to feyre.

"So theres two of us now." Amren sniffed. "We who were born something else and found ourselves trapped in new, strange bodies."

Feyre sat next to mor at Amrens command. Rhys sat next to feyre, amren next to cassian. Azriel next to her leaving me to sit at the head of the table, azriel and rhys at my sides.

"Though there is a third." Amren said. "I dont think you've heard of miryam in.... Centuries, interesting."

"Please just get to the point, amren. Im hungry." Cassian complained.

"Pig." I signed to him, he flipped me off and i just grinned.

"No one warming your bed right now Cassian? It must be so hard to be an illyrian and have no thoughts in your head save for those about your favourite part." Amren clicked her tongue and sent me a wink.

"You know im always happy to tangle in the sheets with you amren." Cassian smirked. "I know how much you enjoy illryian."

"Miryam." Rhys said. "And drakon are doing well, as far as ive heard. And what, exactly, is interesting?" He asked amren.

"Only once before was a human made into an immortal. Interesting that it should happen again right as all the ancient players have returned. But miryam was gufted a long life, not a new body. And you girl." Amren sniffed again. "Your very blood, your veins, your bones were made. A mortal soul in a mortal body. Unlike althea."

"What of my sister?" Feyre asked.

"She has a soul worthy of a fae body, yet she is denied such because she has gone her life in silence." Amren replied. I saw Feyre pale as she turned to me. She had known, the moment i was dragged from my cell to face a trail of my own, feyre had known I wouldn't have survived. Feyre made the choice to stab tamlin in the heart so i wouldn't die. Maybe if she hadn't fate would be different.

"Im hungry." Mor said and in seconds the table filled with food. "Amren and rhys can talk all night and bore us to tears. So don't bother waiting for them to dig in." Mor began speaking with feyre so i turned to azriel for conversation.

"Are you okay?" He asked handing me some bread rolls.

"Feyre has spent her life by my side because of the incident. I just hope she knows how much I appreciate what she did for me, and maybe now she can make her own way in her new life." I signed. I noticed that rhys had watched me and had a glum look on his face, so i let down my shields so he can talk to me.

"I hope you know you can have a life here to. You are apart of this court, you are family now." Rhys said to me.

"I know." I whispered before shutting him out. I listened to Azriel explain his siphons to feyre. They began telling the stories, the ones of their past. Growing up in the mountains in the camp. Even though azriel did not speak of his past i held his hand for comfort when cassian nearly spoke for him. He laced our fingers together under the table and gave my hand a small squeeze.

"Whats your story?" Cassian asked glancing between me and feyre.

"We were born to a wealthy merchant family. With two older sisters and parents who only cared about their money and social standing. Our mother died when we were eight, our farther lost his fortune three years later. He sold everything to pay off his debts, moved us into a hovel and didn't bother to find work while he let us slowly starve for years. We were fourteen when the last of the money ran out, along with the food. He wouldn't work - couldn't, because the debtors came and shattered his leg in front of us. So me and althea went into the forest and taught ourselves to hunt. It kept us alive, if not near starvation at times, for five years. Until..... everything happened." Feyre told them, azriels grip of my hand tightened at her words.

"You taught yourself to hunt, what about to fight?" Cassian asked, feyre shook her head. "Lucky for you, you've just found yourself a teacher." Cassian grinned.

"You dont think it sends a bad message if people see me learning to fight. Using weapons?" Feyre asked. I shook my head at how bad tamlins words had affected her, Azriel must have known because he began rubbing circles on my hand.

Mor then began lecturing feyre, if anyone understood it was mor. And im glad feyre listened.

"Ill think about it." Feyre told Cassian. What she said next had me smiling brightly. "I accept your offer. To work with you, to earn my keep. And help with hybren in whatever way i can."

"Good." Rhys said. "Because we start tomorrow."

"Where and what?" She asked. Rhysand began to explain that hybren wanted to resurrect a man named jurian. Rhysand wanted to take feyre to a bone carver, a prisoner by what they had said.

"How bad can it be?" Feyre asked.

"Bad." Cassian answered.

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