Part 30

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Each day came and went. Althea loosing more of herself each day. Nesta visited every day, elain stayed with althea at the town house. Feyre and rhysand became mother hens, going completely overbored to make sure she was as comfortable as she could.

Azriel hadn't left her side in days. He cried with her, loved her, comforted and cared. He wouldn't tell anyone but he was completely terrified, he didn't want to live without her yet she made him promise to live for her after she was gone, and he would for her.

Cassian kept her filled in on the valkiers. They would be doing the blood right qualifier in a few days. She had hoped that should would join them but no one would allow her. But she would be there to watch. She wanted to see them all complete the task, show the illyrians that women are just as good as them and are equals.

With knowing you where going die takes it affects, nothing could have prepared althea for the mental battle she would face. She was terrified. Every day she had to look at her family hurt because she knew soon she wouldn't see then at all, watching them all try to go on as if she wasn't wasting away gave mixed emotions, she wanted to be mad they where just going on with life but she also felt relief, because they hadn't put there lives on hold.

Even though her family surrounded her every day and filled her days with as much love as they could, she felt more alone then ever. It was like looking through a window at a life she woukd never be apart of. Each day as feyres baby bump grew and the valkiers accomplished new fighting techniques, how azriel slowly began to look at her different, like he had already lost her. She was petrified of leaving her family behind.

But then she got moments like today, everyone huddled inside drinking wine, except feyre, whilst the rain drowned out the outside world. It was in those smal moments that she didn't care if she wouldn't make it to see her nephew, because she was grateful to have a family. A family so full of love.

"A toast." Althea said catching everyone attention.

"Why do we need a toast?" Cassian asked.

"Because i said so now shh." Amtgea grinned. He nodded and gestured to the room who all sat up listening.

"Over the past few weeks, we've all had to adjust to unfortunat information. But ive had a lot of timr to think. I remember once someone told me we may have no power over how we die, but what is within our power is to decide how we live, courageously, or timidly. Id like to say ive lived a pretty courageous life, and im so glad i have you all by my side, and you've all been here for me. Never on time, usually looking like a pile of shit, im looking at you cass, but never the less your there." She smiled raising her glass.

"To the stars who listen, and the dreams that are answered."

They all toasted to the stars. And althea no longer felt scared.


Sorry for the extremely slow updates. Ive been trying to sort my mental health out which hasn't been great.
But i am getting better and will work of finally ending this story once and for all.

Happy late new year :)

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