Bash Babe

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I entered their room and sat on deans bed leaning into his pillow "so, one thing is I've noticed you're a little jealous of Fulton" I roll my eyes as Fulton looks at his shoes "well duh Dean you're my best friend and this bozo just replaced me" I frown "ok wrong he didn't replace you he's just my best guy friend you are still my best friend always will be" I smiled "I saw how sad you were when they called us bash bros so I gave Dean an idea" Fulton smiled at me "a truce so you don't hate me" he added "what would that be Reed" Dean smiled "wanna be our bash babe Ally" I jumped at the two of them happily and hugged them "yeah I sure will" I smile as Fulton screws with deans hair "DAMMIT FULTON THE HAIR" Dean whined pushing me over tickling my side "see I missed this" I gasp out laying on Fultons bed with the boys "can I crash here before the Italy game tomorrow?" Dean nods and makes room for me in his bed "hoodie?" He asks I shake my head "t shirt" he nods pulls out his red nirvana t shirt and throws it at me I go to the bathroom grt changed and come back out joining Dean in his bed. " fyi Fulton I never hated you" he smiles "good to know Bash babe" I felt Dean wrap an arm around me after that he then leaned down whispered to me "you're MY bash babe" kissed the side of my head and rolled over to sleep.

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