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After the dinner Dean pulled me aside and we took a different route back to the hotel. We stopped at a small ice cream shop and Dean bought me my favourite strawberry cheesecake with a cherry. "Dean do you think we'll win?" I asked tasting my icecream "fuck yeah. We're the best out there USA all the way" he held his spoon with caramel ice Cream up at my mouth and I tasted it. "Yuck how do you like that shit" I spit it in the grass as we approached the hotel. "It's good idiot" he pushed me and I nearly fell into a bench if he hadn't grabbed my arm abandoning his icecream in the grass to save me. "My ice cream dammit" he let me go and I fell "WELL I fell anyways so that's a waste of icecream" he helped me up and laughed I had ice cream dripping down the front of my shirt. "Let's go" he held the door open while I walked inside and followed me to the elevator. "I miss it being just us" I sighed "what do you mean" he said an arm around me "you have Fulton now and he's replacing me" Dean snorted "Fulton Reed could NEVER replace Ally Winston never ever I promise" he held out his pinky and I shook mine with his. Pinky promises was something Dean only did with me and he has yet to break one. We got off the elevator and heard loud noise coming from my room we walked in to see everyone dancing around to music. "FUCK YEAH" Dean jumped on my bed with Fulton and started playing air guitar "CAMERA" I yelled and Julie handed me her Polaroid I took so many pictures. "Dean catch" I yelled and jumped at him he held out his arms and caught he believe it or not but he did fall directly into Luis, I apologized Dean just rolled his eyes "TEAM" we all jumped and looked to see coach at the door "first game tomorrow get your carcasses to bed" we all laughed said good night and the boys went to their rooms I changed into deans old t shirt and a pair of his boxers and went to bed excited for what tomorrow would bring us. What tomorrow would bring me, and what tomorrow would bring me and Dean.

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