Hog tied

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Coach brought us all together in a circle and before I realized what was happening I was squashed in between Dean and Luis with a rope around my stomach. "Is this same joke?" I asked coach "nope you guys need to work as a team so now skate" we attempted to move and fell almost instantly. "This is so stupid coach I'm sorry but we're supposed to be practicing" coach just laughed "mhm I know" we all tried to move again and I fell onto Charlie. "ouch" I groaned Dean helped me up. "Everyone to the right!" He commanded "Dean no you're not the boss" "yeah everyone to the left" Fulton sassed "you aren't the fucking boss either hot shot, Charlie what do we do captain" Dean sighed "slowly move right" Charlie said Dean smirked "HAHA REED" he flipped Fulton off I pushed his hand down and we slowly moved following Charlie's orders. It started to work better when we started moving together and taking our time.
"About time we did this" I sighed when coach untied us. "Yeah yeah I know you didn't like it much" he smiled "Now cowboy show ya some round up" he handed Dwayne the rope and he chased us around the rink roping us like cattle. "MOVE DEAN" I laughed ducking under my friend who gripped me getting us both caught "dammit Portman" I frowned Dean laughed "dammit Portman that's what ya sound like" he taunted. "Yeah whatever wise guy" I pushed his face and he gave a fake hurt expression "love ya" I chuckled "love ya too you big ape" he smiled and pulled me into a side hug pulling me onto the ice as Dwayne started to teach Line dancing to everyone. "ALLY Watch itt" Dean groaned when I stepped on his foot. "Sorry man I can't dance worth shit" he laughed "here like this he grabbed my hands and showed me. Eventually I got it we spent the rest of the day goofing off and having fun.

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