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I was packed and ready and I met Dean at the airport I could tell he was as nervous as I was but he wasn't going to show it. "Ready Ally" he asked grabbing my suitcase. "I can carry that" he laughed "what kind of best friend would I be if I let you do that, also I packed two extra t shirts and three extra hoodies and I packed 2 boxes of tampons because were going to be there for at the least 2 months and if I have to I'll buy more and I brought that stupid bear thing you like from my room" I stopped him "Oh that reminds me I brought my nirvana mix tape and my stereo for you and that black Bandana you liked at the store the other day I bought it it's in my carry on you should wear it at the game" he smirked and winked at me as we boarded the plane "I think we worried more about each other than ourselves" I smiled "I think maybe" he laughed as he put my bag in the overhead compartment he sat beside me as the plane took off "I got these too" he handed me a roll of gummy life savers "you are a life saver" he laughed as I popped one in my mouth he took the roll and took one for himself "I know you like chewing gummies on the flight when we take off" I smile "you know a lot about me Dean" "I've been your best friend for what 8 years now of course i do idiot" I rolled my eyes "I need sleep good night morning afternoon whatever it is" I said and leaned on his shoulder shutting my eyes.

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