Bash bros

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We had our first game today! I was nervous to say the least but I was also very very excited Dean and I had the perfect play as long as coach gets us on the ice together! I woke up at 6am our game starts at 8 I went over to deans room to wake him up Fulton was already awake. "Hey Ally" he smiled at me I nodded and jumped at Dean "WAKE UP PORTMAN ITS GAME DAY" I yelled excitedly he sat up and wrapped his blanket around me nearly suffocating me "well Winston I think that calls for some pre game hand shake doesn't it" he asked standing up. I smiled and got up Dean and I did a full 2 minute long hand shake we made up when we were 6 it always stuck and became a pre game thing. "What in gods name was that" Fulton laughed at Dean Dean pushed him a little "fun dipshit" I laughed "I'm borrowing this" I pulled deans black t shirt out of his closet "oh and this" I grabbed his white Bandana and ran out of the room.
Deans POV
"Does she always take your stuff?" Fulton asked "yeah pretty much" I shrugged "are you like a couple?" He asked I shrugged "no, I mean if she asked I wouldn't say no I love Ally she's been my whole life dude" I smiled at the thought of being able to call Ally mine. "So ask her out or something" Fulton said pulling a shirt on "I don't wanna ruin the friendship man, but besides that we have a game to win let's do this" I smiled at Fulton and opened the door as we walked to breakfast.
Ally's POV
First game I was on the ice in the second period I was watching as Dwayne sped down the ice puck in his hood he shoots and he scored "NICE ONE COWBOY!" "Fulton Portman get out there" coach said I watched as my best friend and Fulton reed did some of the most epic defence i had ever seen. The two of them together make a pretty badasss team "GET OUT THERE WINSTON" I jumped the boards trading with Adam and joined Dean on his left Fulton on the right we skated down the ice in a triangle I had the puck while Dean and Fulton cleared the way I shot and SCORE "ITS THE BASH BROTHERS" I heard someone in. The stands yell "YEAHHHH BASH BROS" Dean and Fulton chest bumped and left me standing on one end of the ice while they took a victory lap for our first win as TEAM USA

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