Here to play hockey

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"Who do you think you are pushing my team" he got in deans face "Dean didn't mean it sorry" Dean elbowed me "of course I meant it I need to show these wusses what a real defence men looks like don't I" he got in the other boys face "Dean knock it off" Dean then turned to me "don't defend him" I roll my eyes "you think I would defend this dude who thinks he's better then you when he isn't sorry but no" then the duck meme bee turned back to me "BETTER THAN HIM I AM BETTER" I pushed him back "'no you aren't" he scoffed when the whistle blew "you guys came here to play hockey not fight now I want you to-" Tibbles cut him off with some speech about being all we can be and raising ourselves to better standards when Bombay took away his whistle. "SCRIMMAGE" I took my spot ride right. "Ready" I nodded to Luis who's as at centre. The puck was taken and we were doing well the new recruits side already scored two points when I got pushed down by #44 he really had it out for me and Dean. Dean saw me on the ice and he gunned right at the other player checking him hard to the ground laughing. Then I watched as he pushed two more players with ease. "NICE SHOT ADAM" I was so busy staring at Dean I didn't notice banks stole the puck. "hey hot shot" #44 checked me again I got up and pushed him "knock It off what's your problem man" he scoffed "my problem you and your boyfriend came in here acting all tough and shit" I checked him "Dean isn't my boyfriend for one and for two you're the one being a dick" I then skated away with the others and took a knee in front of coach.

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