tehe i have a surprise

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Guess what boys

I have a little surprise for yall (as the title suggests)

So if you missed it, a few posts ago I spoke about a potential project that I will be working on about my own FGod story


Imma be real the OG FGod Story is kinda....fucked in a way...mainly because of the chaos that stemmed from it after..

So I decided that instead of becoming a follower of chaos, I decided to be the bandwagon this time and make my own thing


Cause like I really like the idea of the FGod AU but the execution is kinda.....anyways-

I needs y'alls help with this project tho...👉👈

I may have 800+  followers but I am still fairly small

So I want yall to blow this shit up and create as much shit from it as possible

Mainly cause this is a passion project and I want it to get big n shit, cause personally I really like seeing how much I inspire people to make stuff using my reference material and it's always fun to see it

I really love yall sm and i want yall to know that <3

I started writing it sometime last year (I think in august...?.....ifdk) and I didnt release as much info, only saying that it's my take on the FGod AU with my storyline, my ideas and ofc, my interpretation of the canon and the mix of that with the concept of what if our beloved Ink and/or Error were forced into doing their job and the consequences of they dont do their jobs

I finished writing the prologue and half way finished with chapter 1. My initial plan is for there to be 5 chapters and 1 additional chapter with more reference material to work with so ppl can write stories based on it, create fanart, etc.

Obviously all characters I use belong to their respective owners (I'm pretty sure I'm not adding OCs idk yet but most likely not) so all credit would be in the extra chapter as well as credits to people to help out with this project.

If you have any ideas for the AU you cld talk to me and I may or may not add the idea into the story depending if it makes sense in the context (sorry if I end up offending you 💔)

I dont know when I'm releasing it, cause I'm planning this fuckin long because it's me, y'know?

Update on this book and Good Can Be Bad:

So my exams got pushed back by 3 weeks (it's so shitty) so I would be finishing my exams in mid june instead of the first week of June so you wont see any of me any time soon unfortunately (unless I catch a vaps and post something a few days later because I am known for doing that before <\3

I won't be starting new oneshots and more like finishing (trying to finish) my drafts (I have like 3; a part 2 of a chapter, an angst chapter and a vampireverse chapter 💀)

I appreciate you all waiting and I also hope that I can go back to writing as much as I did last year but...I'm just...not at the right mental, emotional, or even physical state atm.

I need time. That's all I'll say.

I'm gonna sign off now cause I don't want to waste anymore time, lol

See ya later guys


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