Chapter 1: Eggman

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It was an early morning at The Mushroom Planet, a disgusting one at that. It was covered in mushrooms (duh) and it was covered by their smell. Some of them were poisoned, others don't. If you ate them, then it was game over but even by touching as well, sometimes. That's why it was easy if you were taught how to know and recognize which were dangerous and which weren't. If you looked around, there was no human food! except for mushrooms... 

But a certain evil human lived there...

He was a bald man with experimental goggles on. He also had a funny-looking mustache that his body was like a form of an egg. Meet Dr. Robotnik or Eggman. Do you get the name now? He was trapped on that disgusting planet ever since the battle with a blue certain hedgehog, Sonic, months ago. He was a teenager with super-speed as his power. Fastest was his middle name. Gotta go fast! Eggman caused trouble so Sonic had enough and took his chance to send the maniac scientist to The Mushroom Planet using one of his teleportal rings, very unique rings at that.

Eggman was still mad and manic at that. His biggest mission was to defeat Sonic and sadly, he would get that chance. "Doctor's log," he said as she grabbed the wooden cup bowl he build to drink. He then sat down. "It's day 243 in this...Portobello purgatory." Eggman then took a piece of Sonic's electrical fur out and looked at a certain stone. "My only companion is a rock I named stone. "The question is for whom am I narrating this?"

Don't lick Sonic's fur, asshole...

"It seems I've become a featured player in the theater of the absurd. Marooned in deep space by that wretched blue rodent. But it's all good, thanks to a breathable atmosphere and my supreme intellect, sharpened against the only competitor savvy enough to bring it. Chanterelle to d4."

Skipping a bit~

So, Eggman may or not may have not used the piece of Sonic's fur to activate a portal in order to return to Earth. Huh, he seemed that desperate to find Sonic and defeat him once and for all. He wanted to take over the world and have complete control. 

As Eggman lay there on the ground, passed out, he didn't realize that a ring portal opened in front of him. He actually succeeded... But should I also mention that Eggman was playing dead, perhaps? A spikes spear got out first, fully revealing a hooded figure as if from Star Wars. Not a big fan... Wait, not from Star Wars but the three hooded figures were from another world! The figures were cautious as they continued to walk further, weapons holding out just in case of any enemies. 

The leader perked as he walked closer to the 'dead' figure of Eggman. He poked gently with his spear on his body to check if he was alive. I mean, the leader and others had human bodies so they must be secretly humans, right? Wrong, cause you never know. The leader then reached his hand towards the body and just as he nearly touched the maniac...


The leader jumped in shock as Eggman pulled the grass, revealing a trap and he watched the whole scene... everything of it. And just as the enemies were gone, he said some comments before running towards the portal to escape but was he? He stopped and slide in shock to the ground as a figure entered through the portal. Eggman was in shock and disbelief. The figure was a red buffy one. He wore boxing gloves that suited him and he was... hedgehog kinda? 

The red figure didn't look happy at all. Did he have a bad day? Did he run into something? The red figure noticed the blue piece of hair. "Where did you get that?"

Eggman knows what the red figure talked about. Sonic's piece of hair. But then he realized something. He could use the figure in front of him. He smirked. "From a little blue menace on the planet called Earth. I'd be happy to show you da wae."

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