Chapter 7: Join the Team

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Knuckles and Y/N were quiet all along ever since the kiss incident when Robotnik caught them making out. It was near to sex but they didn't plan to go far this yet. It was still too early and they need time. Yes, a lot of books or movies showed and read about couples immediately having sex when becoming in love after their first kiss with each other. 

Y/N was also handcuffed since Agent Stone recommended it so that the girl won't run away but do you think that she planned to? There were drones around them as they kept going since Y/N got kept an eye on a lot. 

During their adventure, they entered the final place where the Master Emerald was located. But there were booby traps everywhere. It was like you've entered a Pyramid in Egypt where the Pharaoh was resting there with his queen but the Pharaoh could also be a female. Knuckles made sure to carry Y/N while protecting her. This caused the girl to blush and even smile. Knuckles' muzzle was filled with blush so it was red.

Once they beat the labyrinth, Y/N was in awe of how greenish the emerald looked. So this was the Master Emerald? It looked so pretty... No wonder it was strongly protected by the owls and built even booby traps in order to prevent intruders. 

They all walked slowly toward the emerald. 

"At last. The Master Emerald," Knuckles answered. 

"Ultimate power," Eggman responded, his eyes glinting to get the hold of the powerful emerald. Y/N saw this coming and had to stop Eggman. 

"Soon order will be restored. All because of what we have done together." Knuckles looked up at the maniac.

Y/N became mad. Knuckles was THAT naive to notice it? "Knuckles, Robotnik is gonna betray you! Do not let him get the hold of the emerald!"

But Knuckles ignored her and so did Eggman. *Gasp* Did Knuckles ignore his own girlfriend? No way! 

"Such a lovely sentiment, Knuckles. I think I feel a single tear forming," Eggman wiped fakely the tear away. He then smirked evilly. "Sadly..." Y/N's eyes widen but before she could warn Knuckles, the drone covered her mouth, causing her to scream muffle. "You're as useful to me now as a backstage pass to limp Bizkit."

Just as Eggman was about to attack and while Y/N struggled, a pair of screams cut everyone off. the drone let go of Y/N and looked up where it came from, along with others. It was Sonic! The brother came!

Sonic then coughed as he fell through the ceiling. "Nailed it."

"Sonic!" Y/N exclaimed happily at her brother. 

"This guy is always trying to spoil a bad thing!" Eggman responded with anger as Knuckles didn't look happy at all while Y/N was worried. 

Sonic stood up. "You guys are here, too? Took the long way, huh?" Yep, he was joking.

Knuckles held out his fists. "Is everything a joke to you? Why must you constantly interfere with my destiny?"

Sonic was now serious. He responded that his reason was to protect his loved ones and that caused Y/N to smile. After a few comments, the boys fought it off. While they were busy, Y/N saw that Eggman was nearly close to touching the emerald. "Oh no, you don't, fategg!" The girl ran after Eggman and started to fight with him. But thanks to these cuffs, Y/N got punched and hit but she tried her best to dodge and fight Robotnik off. 

Meanwhile, Sonic woke up and saw Knuckles hovering above him with a huge rock. "Say goodbye, hedgehog."

Sonic looked through Sonic's legs and gasped once he saw his sister fighting off Robotnik but it wasn't working. He was close to the emerald! "Knuckles, stop! Robotnik's stealing the emerald!"

Knuckles scoffed, not believing what Sonic just said. "What kind of fool do you take me for?"

"Just look! He's hurting Y/N!" 

That caused Knuckles to look behind him fast and Sonic was correct. His Y/N was hurt but also Eggman was taking the emerald! 

"Enough!" Eggman kicked Y/N off, causing the girl to grunt at the contact of the ground. Her back would be sore for sure. Her hands were finally free! Eggman turned to look at the emerald. "Mine."

"Wait! That wasn't the deal! You also hurt my Y/N!" Sonic looked baffled. His Y/N? Knuckles dropped the stone. 



The echidna looked around as Y/N ran to him but was surprised when she pushed him out of the way, making him look thankful, not realizing how a pillar was about to fall. When both boys ran up the stairs, Y/N was stopped when her leg was stuck under the pillar. The girl panicked as she struggled to free herself. But nothing was working. When she was under the water, she tried to hold her breath but her lungs began to burn from holding too long. She closed her eyes as she prepared herself to meet her end but the certain echidna jumped into the water and panicked seeing Y/N slowly dying. He looked determined and gently grabbed her face. 

Y/N felt soft lips pressed against hers and it was giving her... air? Y/N's eyes shot open in shock and realized it was Knuckles kissing her. Aaaw, a kiss under the water. That was very romantic. His eyes were closed as the kiss was passionate and another joined under the water with fear. Sonic. Once Y/N got enough air, Knuckles let go of her and quickly lifted the pillar thanks to Knuckles and Sonic. 

Y/N got free and Knuckles grabbed her hand and Sonic's as they all swam up and coughed, gasping for breaths as they were on the beach. 

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