Chapter 3: Knuckles and Tails

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When the purple eyes met her E/C ones, something happened... It was a feeling like they were connected. The feeling was like you were feeling electric inside your body. Their stomachs exploded with butterflies and their cheeks were blushing bright red. They froze where they were. But Y/N was soon snapped out of my Sonic's groan of pain. He was shocked by the unexpected punch from the new red-headed figure. The hedgehog quickly found out that he had some anger issues.

"Sonic!" Y/N ran to him, who was on the couch, in shock and disbelief. "Are you ok?!"

Sonic groaned, holding his head. "I feel like I was punched."

Before Y/N could comment, Sonic slowly looked through the big hole where he came from and he finally saw a clear vision of who attacked him. He was... a hedgehog, kind of? 

"Pitiful," the red figure scoffed since in his eyes, Sonic was weak. 

Y/N helped him up as Sonic asked who he was. Good question? Who was that stranger? What did he want? Why did he attack Sonic?

Eggman looked through the whole, with a cocky smile. "Where are my manners?" He entered the room where Sonic was in with the stranger. "Sonic, Y/N, meet Knuckles. My new bffae. Bestest friend forever and ever!"

Y/N scoffed at the comment. Since Eggman showed who he clearly was, he would betray that Knuckles guy for sure. Speaking of Eggman, Y/N took the appearance and information of Knuckles. His name suited him for sure. 

"Look, Robotnik, I don't care who you brought to help you." Sonic bends down to pick his rings up. "You're never going to get my power"

"Do I look like I need your power," Knuckles scoffed.

Sonic was angry that blue began to show again. Knuckles showed red and Y/N's eyes widen upon realization. Sonic was going to get hurt! She took a deep breath and prepared herself, causing Knuckles to get concerned but he ignored it. Sonic stroke again but Y/N pushed him out the way, causing her to get the hit and she flew out, slamming against the ground. Everyone's eyes widen, especially Sonic and Knuckles. "Y/N!"

Y/N laid there, feeling pain and panting by how powerful Knuckles was. Oh lord...She opened her eyes weakly as she felt Sonic helping her up carefully. The poor hedgehog was so worried about his best friend...

Sonic looked so angry at Knuckles, even though the poor echidna felt so guilty. But the guilt was swiped away by anger about how he wanted to get Sonic. He punched his fists together. 

"So nice when diabolical evil lives up to the hype," Eggman said while eating popcorn.

"Where is it," Knuckles demanded.

Sonic whipped his mouth. "You want it? Here it comes."

But Knuckles' comments, pissed the poor hedgehog and made Y/N shocked while she sat against the tree.

"I was excepting more of you. You're unskilled. Untrained. And unworthy."

"Fuck you!" Y/N couldn't help but screamed out, causing Eggman to drop his popcorn. Sorry Knuckles. 

Sonic didn't seem affected at all since his focus was on the rud (cowboy) dude in front of him. He got on his knees and hands, as if ready to run. "You forgot one. Unstoppable." He then attacked.

Y/N watched hopeful for Sonic to win but she didn't want also Knuckles to get hurt. What? She covered her eyes quickly as white spread the world but when it was over, she gasped in shock. Not only was Knuckles not hurt an inch, but he held Sonic back while he's a spinning ball fluff! Knuckles then hurt Sonic. He then pinned Sonic against the tree where Y/N was, causing the girl to flinch in pain because she had to dodge. 

"It is my destiny to do what my ancestors could not... To restore the ultimate power to the home of my people."

The humans took aback by what he said. Ancestors? What did they not complete? What ultimate power? Y/N saw a stone and she quickly took it, ready to throw it. 

"Ultimate power? I don't know what you're talking about. You've got the wrong guy." Sonic quickly shook his head.

"Ultimate power? Now you're speaking my language," Eggman said with a smirk and much interest. 

"You will not get it, fatass!"

Eggman gasped. "What? I'm not fat."

"Your name is fucking Eggman!" But Y/N was taken aback when Knuckles mentioned Longclaw and just as he was about to finish Sonic, Y/N threw the stone at the back of Knuckles' head, causing the echidna to glare at him. No, he didn't want to hurt her nor was he planning, but he just didn't except it what happened.

But then a siren was heard from a... police car? Was DOnut Lord home? No, acute two-tailed yellow fox as a genius was driving it! Wtf? But Y/N was paralyzed when the car was driving right at her, causing Knuckles to drop Sonic and pushing Y/N out of the way. He was not evil but a naive handsome echidna who was a hero. 

It was indeed a yellow fox cause he appeared, having a cute floor on his head and was white as well. His eyes were blue. Sonic and Y/N did as told to get in since he told them to. Y/N got in thanks to Sonic's help. 

Meet Miles Prower or simply Tails. 

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