Chapter 6: The Kiss

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It's short but spicy heat coming~


Y/N groaned as she began to slowly wake up from her 'sleep'. Her head made contact with something soft and warm. It was also furry. The girl sat her head up and her eyes went wide when she realized her head was on Knuckles' fluffy chest. Wait, she was unconscious on his chest!? Y/N blushes bright red as she quickly sat up. She had to get out! But how? Was Knuckles really careful? Did he have a good hearing? Had he good of sense? 

Y/N very carefully got out as quietly as she could to not attract any attention. She then looked around to see if there was any escape for her before Knuckles woke up... Or was he really asleep? Was he pretending? 

Y/N then saw a forest nearby. She had a plan. She'll count on three in her head and then she'll sprint! But can she make it? It was nearby. When she looked around for Robotnik, he was nowhere to be seen. 

Y/N took a deep breath as she counted and then made a sprint but she then yelped when a certain gloved hand grabbed her ankle, causing her front body to make contact with the snow. God, it was cold! Y/N looked behind her to see a smirking red echidna. Wait, what's he up to? He then surprised Y/N a lot when he crawled on top of her, causing Y/N to squeal and cover her face with her hands. She fell her body spun around so she was on his back. She still kept her face hidden. But then her hands were taken away. "Ah!"

Her eyes met the purple ones that belonged to Knuckles. And for a moment, they were lost in each other's eyes. Their eyes were then full of lust and love. They wanted each other and they got it. Knuckles' nose pressed against hers as his muzzle was closer and closer until... Their mouths melted into each other. 

They both blushed bright red as the kiss was soft and lips melted but then the kiss got deeper and more passionate as Y/N's hand cupped Knuckles' cheek and he purred. His chest was rumbling! They tilted their heads to the side as their tongues made contact. Y/N couldn't hold in anymore as she moaned at the feeling. She was even whimpering. 

Knuckles gently caressed Y/N's hair as they pulled away, saliva connecting their tongues. They panted as they stared at each other with full of love and gentle warmth. Then Knuckles rubbed his nose against hers, causing Y/N to stiffen at first, eyes widen, until she giggled and rubbed his nose back. Cute echidna affection :).

"Uhm, should I leave?"

The couple both gasped as they got off of each other and saw Robotnik flying in his egg machine. He was holding popcorn as Knuckles and Y/N stared at him in disbelief


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