Chapter 5: Snow Chase and Separation

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The team was lucky to get some sleep tonight. The dance took their energy away since it was moving a lot. It was fun last night since it was like a party, but Y/N couldn't stop thinking about the red echidna. She was worried non-stop about him. He's being manipulated by Eggman and he needed a wake-up call. 

The team went flying to the location where the treasure was hidden by the owl warriors. Tails gave Y/N special shoes during the chase with Knuckles. The girl loved her shoes. It made sure she could only fly. That's how genius Tails was. Damn...

They all successfully landed in front of a cave entrance. Seriously? Was this Brother Bear 2 where Koda ran inside after being upset with his big brother, Kenia? They needed to be extra careful. 

"Let's be careful. Don't be too loud," Y/N told the boys softly. 

Tails knew of everything so he was careful and so was Sonic. Since Tails was going fast with his gadget, the two others had to catch up to the fox. "Hey, Tails. Wait up." They stopped when they saw huge gates. This must be it. "Okay, we got a giant owl door. Seems encouraging." 

They all went carefully to the doors and since it had been years, the doors weren't working for sure. Sonic found an opening and he went through with it with others following. They were all in awe of the messages on the walls. It was like in Egypt. 

"Check this out," Tails awed. 

But what was the message saying? "Can you translate it?" Sonic asked Tails. 

"Yeah. 'Ages ago, a fearsome group of warriors, known as the echidnas, forged the seven chaos emeralds into the must unstoppable weapon ever created.'"

"The Master Emerald," Sonic and Y/N both said.

"'With it, a single warrior could defeat entire armies. Believing no one should have such power, an order of heroes recovered the emerald and swore to protect it from evil.' Sounds like the owls and the echidnas have been fighting each other for centuries."

Y/N decided to let her concern show. "But the owls are extinct but the echidnas..."

The boys faced her. "What do you mean, N/N?" Sonic asked. 

"Before Tails showed up, I heard Knuckles saying he's the last of the warriors left, the echidnas. But how did Knuckles survive then? Was he too young to join? Was he perhaps a kid at the time like we were? I have so many questions..."

Sonic patted her leg. "No harm done." He then saw Tails heading up. Sonic quickly dragged Y/N. "Wat for us."

The team was beyond in awe. The statue was huge! A giant owl! How would Longclaw react to this? Or alt east her spirit? Sonic now made sense about the giant door and the owl. Sonic saw the familiar symbols on the map and Longclaw must have created them for Sonic to open up the correct one. It revealed a beautiful compas, the one that Y/N had ever seen in his life. Why did it land in her hand? "Huh?"

"Maybe it chose you?"

"Maybe. But this will lead us to the emerald!"

Just as they enjoyed their happiness with the compas, Y/N saw something that made her gasp. On Tails' forehead was... A laser! Not only was there one, but two, three up to at least like maybe 30?! They were found by Eggman. 

"Run!" Sonic exclaimed as he ran with others trailing behind him. But sadly, the entrance was covered by the tones since the drones shot a beam, blocking the entrance. Fuck. 

Eggman was there. With Knuckles.

"That guy again?" Tails groaned. 

"Heads up, my little stalagmites. Someone call an uber?"Eggman began. 

While he was speaking, Knuckles took the chance to look at Y/N with softness in his eyes. Y/N couldn't help but look soft as well since... they both didn't want to attack each other. Eggman was doing all of this. Y/N's eyes then widen, which got Knuckles worried since he saw that. But once he took a better look, he now understood why. He felt guilty about what he was going to do but smirked. Y/N had the compas. She was chosen to be the keeper since it landed on her hand. Knuckles wanted to win her heart and he'll get his chance. 

Knuckles dropped down. "But we'll take it from here." The compas. 

Y/N panicked. Was she going to give up? No! Even though the entrance was blocked, there had to be a way! Y/N looked around, feeling like Marinette from Ladybug when trying to find a plan or to understand the tool she had. Something caught her eye. A stabled of rocks was against like stairs to an entrance up there. It was her only chance. She didn't hesitate and... ran. 


"That girl is crazy!" It was Eggman who made the comment. "Get her!"

Y/N screamed as she fell but she then felt something in her hand. A wooden snowboard! Y/N felt challenged. During her time as a child, Tom and Maddie took her snowboard so she had experience. She quickly connected her feet up on the board and so it began... A chase.

She heard noises and saw Sonic quickly catching up with Knuckles chasing behind. Oh, it's on! While Knuckles was trying to catch Sonic first, Y/N didn't see a rock in the way until she tripped and screamed. She flew in the air when she fell into someone's arms. 




Knuckles was surprised by the sudden fall. He was glad that Y/N wasn't hurt but he was so embarrassed. His crush was in his arms.

"Y/N!" Sonic.

This caused Y/N to lose control over the shoes Tails made her so she flew widely until she gritted her teeth in anger as she took control and went after Sonic, who climbed back on the edge since he nearly fell. Worse, Knuckles was there! 

Y/N landed.

"Has anyone ever told you you've got serious anger issues?" Sonic mocked with a smirk.

"You mock me with your weak jokes but you know nothing about me, hedgehog," Knuckles responded back angrily.

"What about the owls and the echidnas attacking?" Y/N asked.

Knuckles looked at her with sadness. Y/N was shocked and felt her heart burst. What...? "My tribe was on the verge of its greatest victory. The last of the own warriors had been located. Soon Longclaw's emeralds secrets would be ours. But my father stopped me from joining the fight. He said my moment to honor our tribe would come, but it was not this moment. Those were the last words he spoke to me. I never saw him again."

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Tails appeared very bad timing. He just tazed Knuckles and now the red echidna had one thing left to do: catch Y/N. He's currently chasing the poor girl who tried her best to escape from him with Sonic carrying an unconscious Tails in his arms. The poor kid...

Y/N looked over and saw that Knuckles wasn't behind her. Where was he? Just as she was very close to the portal, someone tackled her from the side.



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