The Planetarium.

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Narrators POV

As Poland ran out the door he didn't run towards the planetarium, no. He ran to no other then Germanys house.

"Niemcy! Niemcy! Niemcy!"
Poland repeated as he knocked on the door.

Germany said with a sleepy voice as he opened the door.


Poland pushed Germany back in his own home so he could get dressed.

When Germany walked back out Poland grabbed his hand and ran to the planetarium.


"Finally you two show up"
America said as he opened the door for everyone to go inside.

"Okay cans someone please explain was der hells ist goings on?"
America looked at Germany.

"Hm, I expected Poland to explain to you?"

Germany looked at Poland very confused.

"Uh yeah, so ame wanted to know if I wanted to go with him and rus to the planetarium with them and of course I said yes"

Germany crossed his arms whilst still looking at Poland.

"And ame said that I could bring you so I did"
Poland smiled at Germany.

"Greats, so Ich was just dragged into this for no reasons?"
Germany felt annoyed, he really wasn't one into space.

"Nie! The reason was so I didn't have to go with only them and be a third wheel"



As the countries were walking around, Germany noticed that Poland was very happy. He looked like when you get a new puppy on Christmas or for your birthday, that is how Germany saw Poland.

"Du like space?"

Germany could see Polands eyes light up just by thinking about space.

Germany laughed at how ridiculous he saw Poland.

"You can laugh all you want!"

Poland then saw something that caught his attention, he grabbed Germanys hand once again and ran over to it.


When all the countries were sitting down admiring the stars up above, Germany noticed how Poland didn't look away from the stars not once.

"Polan, du are goings to break your necks if du continue to looks up any longer"

"HEY! Are you calling me short!?"

"W- Where der hells did- never mind. I donts care if du break your neck or not"

"Uh- sorry.. I'm just really REALLY excited to be here! The stars just look beautiful!"

Poland noticed how Germany mumbled something inaudible.


Germany smiled at Poland.



As it was time for all the countries to leave, Germany looked over and saw Poland staring at a cow plush that had stars on it.

Poland shouted.


"I left my wallet at home"
Germany looked at the cow plush then back at Poland.


As Poland then walked away, Germany walked up to the stand where they were selling the cow plushies.


Poland turned around and saw Germany walking towards him and carrying a bag.

"What's in the bag?"

"Just a gifts"
Germany handed Poland the bag and walked out.


Germany smiled at Poland then walked back home.

"Yo Poland! Come here, we're getting food. Want any?"

"Yeah sure"
Poland put the small ish bag in his back pocket.

"Where's Germany goin?"
America pointed out.

"Home, he said he's tired"

"Of course"


When Poland got home he was drained.

Tired as ever.

"Mm sleep"
He said as he plopped down onto his bed.

Poland sat up after he felt like he laid on something.

Poland gasped.

"The bag Niemcy handed to me!"
Poland had forgotten about the bag.

As Poland opened the bag he felt like he was dreaming.

"Holy. Shit."
Poland said as he pulled the cow plushy out of the bag.

Poland screamed.
But not an actual terrified scream, it was a high pitch freaking out scream.


Yo I know I said that this chapter would be longer but honestly I've never been to a planetarium so I had no idea on what to write ;-; sorry. ((Btw I have lots planned so I'll be writing a lot lmao))

K daily gerpol.

K daily gerpol

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