Lights Out

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Germanys POV

I woke up to my sister screaming at me "GERMANY GET YOUR ASS UP! We're gonna be late!" Shit. What happened to my alarm clock it wasn't working no wonder why I overslept.


We were walking to school when I noticed Poland walking towards us
"Niemcy!" Poland got closer where I could actually see him "Polan?" "Poland we really can't talk right now sorry" Austria started to tug my arm like the little child that she is "oh well Austria I mainly just wanted to talk to Niemcy" She looked at him then looked at me "Austria go on to school I won't be long" she looked sad after I said that I felt bad but she just walked away in silence.
"So what you need to talk about?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to go chill at the park later?" I thought for a moment but knew I couldn't think long I was already late to school
So I just said whatever came to mind first
"Ja" fuck I didn't really wanna go but I already said it. "Okay, well meet me there after school?" I thought for a second thinking of what father would say but I could care less "sure" "k see you then" he smiled at me then walked away going the opposite way from school hm strange.


After school I headed towards the park it was only 2 miles down from the school it wasn't that far. I looked down at my phone and texted Poland

G) headed to the park now, you still down?

P) yeah ofc I'm there now actually

G) nice, see you there:)

I put my phone in my pocket to enjoy the scenery I don't go outside often well besides walking to school but that's not as enjoyable.
I was looking at some cows that I was walking by and decided to take a picture cus why not, when I looked at the picture I noticed a tall shadow standing behind on of the cows 'what the fuck' I mumbled to myself, I stopped dead in my tracks.. The shadow was wearing an old German soldier uniform.
What how is that possible nobody ever wears those anymore they discontinued that style years ago..
I decided it was best if I just put my phone down and enjoy the scenery and finish my walk to the park


It was when I had just arrived to the park I was looking for Poland when I saw the same shadow standing under a tree a few feet away from me it was blocking the path I needed to go on to find Poland

P) You at the park?

He messaged me, I look down at my phone to unlock it but it was already unlocked it seemed to detect my face when I hadn't even turned it on strange. I looked back up to see if the shadow was still blocking the path but when I looked up there was nothing there..

G) yeah just got here, where you at?

P) I'm almost at the gate is that where you at?

G) the gate

P) k see you in a minute

I put my phone down then looked up at the gate and saw poland standing there waving at me
"Niemcy! Glad you could make it, Ame and Russia were supposed to come but they couldn't make it"
"Oh okay well why did you wanna come to the park?"
He looked down at the path then looked back at me
"Because it's a nice day out and I wanted to get to know you a bit more, you seem like a really cool guy!"
That almost made me tear up, nobody ever wants to get to know me all they have to know is my father and they hate me, I try my best to not be like him! But others usually dont care.
"Oh okay"
Poland looked up at the clouds for a second then stopped
"Uhm I think it's gonna rain.."
"Hm what?"
"Niemcy look up.."
I looked up to see dark grey clouds right above us covering the whole sky they were the darkest clouds I've ever seen before.
"Those weren't there before.."
We start to feel little droplets of water hit our skin
"Uhmm maybe we should go somewhere else I think there is a very bad storm about to hit" Poland looked at me with his eyes wide open I could tell he didn't like storms.
"Wanna go to my house? We can invite some others and wait till the storm passes?" Poland stopped for a second, "yeah sure that will help pass time, and we can always go to the park another time" he chuckled a bit then we started to run to my house as if we were racing the storm

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