Dont Forget

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Austrias POV

It was Summer break for school, I didn't know what to do now that there was no school.


I walked downstairs, I saw Duetchland making breakfast like he normally does while father was reading something.

"Guten Morgen Schwester!" "*good morning sister!*
Germany usually always greets me when I awake from my slumber.
"Guten morgen" I walked over to see what he was making it was some Deutsches Kartoffelomelette *German potato omelets* it was personally one of my favorites.
"Mmm Deutsches Kartoffelomelette yum" Germany gave me a smile he didn't make them that often so I figured he knew I would enjoy it.
"Soooo brother how was Polands house?" He stopped and shook his head.
"It was alright..." I could tell he didn't want to talk about it.
"Something happened, what was it?" Listen I know when my brother is down or something is off and he was off when I mentioned Poland.
"Just his family hates me because of dad and Polan keeps asking me to tell him who dad is.. I don't want to scare him off like EVERYONE else"
I knew it he was off I just didn't know that dad had that power, yeah I know everyone hates him but I just wish people would see that we aren't him we are completely different people from our father, it's just hard.
"It's okay, listen if he was really wanting to be your friend Ger when you tell him he wouldn't give a fuck like Ame, Ame knows that you're not him you are your own person, and Polan should see that too."
He smiled then got back too making breakfast.

I walked to the living room and sat down next to father and turned on the TV,
"Warum zum Teufel läuft der Fernseher?""*why the fuck is the TV on?*" my father never likes the TV on.
"Because" I looked back at the TV there was a family going camping it made me kinda sad, our family could never be that happy...
"Vater," I looked at my father, he sat his book down and looked at me.
"Can we ever go camping??" He looked at me in disgust..
"Nein, I hate the outside." I kinda figured he was gonna find a way and shut the idea down..
"Then can we go somewhere else? We can have a little family vacation." He looked back down at his book then looked back at me.
"Why the fuck would we even go on a family vacation anyways?"
"Too spend more time as a family!" He looked at me like I just said something very stupid which I didn't! I knew it would be good for us!
"Ugh, pathetic." He grabbed his book and continued to read it, I wasn't having it I wanted us to be a close family like we used to be..
"Well im sorry that im the only one that wants this family happy again!" He didn't even look at me he was still reading his damn book I gave up trying and looked back at the TV.
"Sure, if you can come up with somewhere for us to go then yes, yes we will have a family trip." I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW GODDAMN HAPPY I WAS TO HEAR THAT!!
"Danke vater."
He didn't respond and I didn't expect him too.


I was looking through places to go to on our family trip when I heard someone knocking on the front door.
I walked out of my room to see who it was.
I noticed Germany opening the door and I saw Poland..
"Polan..? POLAN!" He walked out of the house with Poland they were outside talking I dont know what of but I'll take a wild guess it was of father.
"Did I just hear Poland?!" Father got a big smile fuck I really didn't want poland to show up!
"Nein vater" I watched as father sat back down and stopped smiling then went back to reading his book.

I walked outside.
I saw Germany and Poland talking so I walked over to them.
"Duetschland! Come on back inside!" Poland looked right at me.
"Austria! Can you please tell Niemcy that I should meet your guys father!" I looked at Germany, his face looked terrified on what I was going to say..
"Polan, Germany is clearly not comfortable with you meeting our father." I really wanted Germany to tell Poland but he didn't want to. scared bitch.
"REALLY?! YOU TOO?!" Poland looked mad.
I saw someone walking towards the house, I then realized that it was Grandpa I had called him so I could tell him about the family trip I didn't realize he was coming this soon?!
"GRANDPA!!" After I said that I noticed Germanys face dropped..
"G- Grandpa..?" Poland turned around, Germany covered his eyes.
I turned and saw father walking out the front door and grandpa walking towards father.
"Niemcy what is going on!?" Poland was getting mad while Germany was fucking panicking.
"Dutschland! Bring him to the back now!"

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