Poland Is Falling Hard For Him And He Doesn't Fully Relize Just How Hard

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Narrators POV

Germany was packing his bags getting ready to put them in the car when he heard a loud thud come from Austrias room.

Germany ran over to Austrias door and opened it.


"Jeez, do you not know how to knock?"

Austria scoffed then rolled her eyes at Germany.

"Ich heard a loud noise, Ich was comings to make sure du was alrights"

"Ja, I'm alright. I just dropped my bag as I picked it up"

"Oooh, okay then"
Germany shut the door and walked back to his room.

As he was walking back he noticed Poland was having a hard time caring his stuff to the door.


Poland grunted to Germany as he was slowly walking to the door.

"Du look likes you need helps?"

Poland froze, he didn't expect Germany to ask to help him carry his bags.


"Uhh.. okay?"
Germany shook it off and walked back up to his room to finish packing.


After a few hours all the countries were done packing.

"K it's time to finally go home"
New Zealand said while having a big smile on her face.

As Germany started the car Austria pointed something out.

"Wait.. Japan brought us here, how do we know where to go?"

Poland grabbed out his phone and called up Japan.

As Japan answered Poland put her on speaker so Germany could hear her as well mainly because he was the one driving.

"So Japan, how do we go home exactly?"

"Poland-San, you have a phone! You can just pull up a map or something!"
Japan started to laugh.



When the countries arrived back to their town or whatever you call it, Japan had tried to call Poland and Germany but neither answered because they were all busy unpacking.

Japan began to get worried but didn't let herself get to worried and thought she was just over reacting and they were fine, and she was.

"Aus! Can du comes help me grab der rest of the bags bitte"
Germany yelled over at Austria.

Austria sighed as she walked back over to the car to help Germany.


"Ugh I'm so GLAD that we're back home"
Austria sighed as she fell down onto the couch.

"Same Aus, Same"

"I am NEVER doing anything Japan says! EVER!"
Germany sat some bags down that weren't his and took his own bags up to his room to finish unpacking.


Polands POV

I was just sitting on my bed, it was around midnight. I had finished unpacking and I was bored just left all alone in the silence and to deal with my thoughts.

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