Out Of Reach

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Germanys POV


I had just arrived home, it had been two or so weeks since I had returned. Austria begged me to come back so I knew I had too, I couldn't leave her alone especially after what had happened.

When I walked through the front door Austria was on the couch doing nothing..?

She looked a bit out of it, she was very zoned out and not really aware that I was there, it was pretty obvious.

"Duetschland! Damnit you scared me!"

"Oh sorry.."

Austria stared at me, she looked as if she was about to cry. I don't blame her.

"Aus, have you done anything like plan the funeral yet?"

Austrias face lit into some anger but why? Why would she be mad in this situation?

"Why plan a funeral? When NOBODY is gonna show UP! Everyone HATES him!"

Austria was right, there's no point in a funeral if nobody is gonna attend besides me and Austria and maybe grandfather.

"You're right... there is no point in a funeral.."

"Then what the hell do we do?!"

Austria started to cry.
I sat down next to her and hugged her.
She started to cry more, putting her head on my shoulder.

"Why? Why did he do it?"

"I don't know.."


Me and Austria started to walk towards fathers room, we had to take care of him and put him somewhere and it's not like we have a fucking coffin laying around.

Austria pulled my wrist, I turned and looked at her and she was crying again.

"I don't want to do this, I don't want to look at him anymore. It hurts just to walk near the door."

"It's alright. You don't have to help."

"Danke. Also where are you planning to burying him?"

"The old oak tree."

"Oh okay.."

Austria walked away I would've as well but I knew someone had to take care of him, he had just been rotting there.


Polands POV

I was laying down in my bed when I got a text from Ukraine.

(U) "oi Poland I need you help over here, Russia is mad at me because I yelled at him for doing the 'sus' with ame at 4 in the goddamn morning and now he is being a fucking bitch"

(P). "lmao I'll be over"


When I arrived at Russias house I heard America and Russia yelling I don't know what but I heard some screaming.

"I'm he-"

Nope nope NIE! I walked outta that fucking house so damn fast! I saw the damn Soviet Union!

"Oh nyet! You get back here Poland!"

Ukraine then grabbed me by my arm back into the house! I felt violated, like Ukraine KNOWS I HATE his father! And yet still made me go in that damn house!

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