Lights out (2)

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Polands POV

I had woken up on Germanys couch, Germany was sitting next to me watching TV.

"Guten Morgen Polan!" I knew nothing of that German language but I'll assume it means good morning..
"Dzień dobry Niemcy" He looked at me and smiled his smile was kind of cute.. no no no no no just no his smile is NOT cute it's just a smile to me!
"Well my father will be here soon Polan so you might have to leave, like right now!" Why the fuck would he rush me on that! How harmful could his father be pfff.
"Aye if we gonna be friends I'll have to meet your father" I laughed a little but his smile dropped he had what you call it?.. a dead look on his face..
"Nein!" Oh he's going back to that German language.
"And why not?" I looked at him waiting for him to give me an answer but that bitch went SILENT! Like how bad was this dude?!
"Hellooo??" He looked at his phone then looked up at me with terror his eyes.
"You have to leave NOW!" Damn that's a little rudee but alright I can see where he's coming from like I would hate for people to meet my father before Vatican City showed up..
"Alright damn" before I could stand up I heard the door open, the next thing I know Germany was shoving me in his room. Rude ass!
"Aye what's th-"
He shut the door as the man who he calls fAtHeR shut the front door.
"Why the fuck are we in your room Niemcy!?"
I started to get angry. This man wasn't telling me shit! Then right as Germany was gonna say something I heard a familiar ish voice from downstairs.
"Duetchland! Where is Austria?!" Why did his voice sound familiar??? Damn my brain hurt I wanted to know who this man was! But Germany apparently didn't want me to!
"She's with New Zeland" Germany yelled back to his fAtHeR who was downstairs, like why can't we just go down there and talk with him ourselves???
But the strange man didn't respond after Germany yelled hm strange.
"Okay we have to get you out of the house before my father sees you got it?" Germany looked at me terrified, I didn't like that look on his face I liked his smile more.
"Damn Niemcy why can't we just walk out the front door?" He didn't say anything just put his ear up against the door.
"Shh! Okay I'm gonna go down and try and get him to leave the living room, stay up here until I call for you, got it?" I shook my head, he opened the door then walked downstairs, I shut the door behind him.
I turned around I never seen Germanys room before it was interesting to say the less..
I didn't wanna be a big snoop but I couldn't help it I was left there alone and plus what could that man be hiding besides his father.?
I saw an open notebook sitting on his bed it was in German so I could read it but damn I wonder what he wrote down.
I looked at some german books next to his closet of course I couldn't read any of it, then the closet door opened? There was no air or anything to open it? I assumed that it was just god giving me the ok to snoop.
He didn't have any clothes in his closet for some odd reason, when I looked down I saw an old flag one that I remembered but didn't it looked like Germanys flag but the middle was white? I don't think I've ever seen that one there was another I couldn't see it that well so I ignored it, I saw an old picture the glass was broken and the frame was all scratched up, the picture was of Germany and someone else who was wearing some sort of uniform that was familiar to me, the man with Germany I couldn't see his face was all blacked out as if someone took a black marker and only put it on his face.. 'why would he do that?' I whispered to myself.
I put the picture back and shut the closet door there was some other things but they were all broken,
I turned back around and saw a picture next to his bed it was of Germany and Austria, I saw a paper next to it, it was shockingly in English well only a few words "I fucked up" that's all I could understand that it being the only thing in English and his handwriting it was to hard to read but I liked it I don't see that style of handwriting anymore, but why would it say I fucked up? What did he do? I was about to look at more to see if there was a better explanation to why he 'fucked up' but I heard Germany yell from downstairs.
"POLAN!" I rushed downstairs hoping that his father was there so I could meet the man but nothing just Germany.
"Poland hurry he's outside in the back, we can leave from the front door!" Hm he wanted to come with apparently he's definitely a strange mother fucker.
"Okay okay"

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