Words Can't Comprehend The Feeling

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Germanys POV

We were in the woods, nothing but trees. We must've been pretty deep in the wood.

He stopped.

He turned around and saw me.


"Ja, that's my names"


"Why what?"

"You.. you followed me? Why?"

"Because you're a dumbass! Why's you runs into the damn woods like that's!?"

"I couldn't..."
I was confused I just wanted to go home I was already tired to begin with.

"Couldn'ts what?"

"I couldn't stay there any longer"


"It's just... difficult.."
Why was it difficult? What was I missing?

"Ims still confused?"

He looked around him.
Did he know where we were? Because I'd hoped so. I got lost after a few minutes in the woods.


"I've- I've been here before"

"Du haves?"

Poland kept looking around him it reminded me of when a dog would chase their own tail.

"Will you stops that?"

"Stop what?"




We were definitely lost but Poland kept saying we weren't and that he knew where we were.

I was leaning against a tree and Poland was walking back and forth.



"You keep walkings in the sames way but you're not goings anywhere?"

"Because I'm thinking dumbass!"

I decided to leave Poland and let him do his own thing so I walked. I didn't know where I just walked.

"Niemcy! Where you going?"

"Not justs standings there and watch yous walk"

"Bitch! I was thinking!"
He ran up to me, fuck that.

"Hey don't give me that sAs you the one walking away and asking to get lost"

"Nein, you're the reason why we in this mess to begin with"

"NO! You are!"

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