Bonus Chapter.

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Emily's POV.

We were hiding behind the bushes in front of Kim's house, I had six eggs on a tray and the plan was to throw them directly at Kim's windows.

"Do it already." Adrian pushed.

"I don't know man, I kinda feel bad." I whispered.

"She definitely didn't feel bad when she bathed you in alcohol." He whispered back, reminding me of the bitter memory. Blood rushed to my ears as I remembered the humiliation. I picked one egg and I threw it at the house, it didn't reach the house, not even close.

"What the fuck was that?" Adrian laughed at my throw. "The egg didn't even crack." He said in a low tone, I sighed softly, picking another egg from the tray.

I was about to throw when the front door busted open, Adrian and I immediately ducked at the same time, bumping into each other's heads.

"Ouch." We whined at the same time, rubbing the affected area. I looked at him and he looked at me. We both smiled.

We heard two screaming voices coming out of the house, we slowly raised our heads to take a peek. It was Kim and an older woman, Kim was angry walking to her car but the woman grabbed her hand and slapped her so hard she stumbled.

"Damn." Adrian snorted a laugh, I elbowed him, "what? She kinda deserved that." He lifted his shoulders, I shook my head at him.

"If you get into that car and drive off, don't ever come back here ever again!" The woman screamed, Kim didn't respond, she just held her cheek and cried. The woman walked back into the house and closed the door shut, Kim leaned her back against her car and slid to the ground, hugging her knees and breaking down.

I felt so bad.

"You know that saying, every bully has a bully?" Adrian asked.

"Yeah?" I stared at the girl.

"Your bully has a bully." He looked at me, I looked at him.

"You think?" I asked in a bored tone.

"Fuck this shit." He took the tray from my hands and placed it on the grass, "We're not bullies." He shook his head at me before grabbing my hand and making a run for it.

We stopped running a few houses down from Kim's house, I placed my hands on my knees to catch my breath, Adrian was walking. I stood up straight and looked at him, he was already looking at me.

"Jared's house is that way." My tone was breathy as I pointed behind us.

"Do you wanna go roam around town?" He asked, walking backwards.

"Hell yeah."

"Town's that way." He turned and pointed forward.

I adjusted the strap of my purse and we started walking in silence, the comfortable kind of silence.

Late night stroll with my fake boyfriend, seemed like the perfect thing to do on a Saturday night.

"Do you know what happens to people who fake date in movies and novels?" I broke the silence.

"What happens to people who fake date in movies and novels?" He asked.

"They fall in love with each other." I informed him, nodding my head. He scoffed. "I like it when the guy falls first." I told him.

"Why?" He questioned.

"It hits differently. Especially when he goes like, I'm in love with you, idiot or something like, I never thought I'd fall in love with any girl until you."

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