Chapter 20: Chicken out.

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Adrian's POV.

Turned out, I was right about the shitty trip, it was fucking boring. I had to share a room with people that I never thought I would ever share anything with, not even a cigarette.

I decided to go to New York because I remembered that my cousin Kim lived in Manhattan, she was a twenty-three year old model who lived on her own. She was my uncle Jake's daughter, uncle Jake was my Dad's brother but he became distant when Dad died and so did I. Nevertheless, Kim and I kept in touch and I found that shitty trip as an opportunity to visit her.

Rumor had it that Emily and Charlie were spotted talking, heard she went to see him and kinda made it clear that she didn't want him? I didn't know shit, I just heard his friends talking and if that were true then I'd seriously be proud of her.

The following morning, we all went on a tour to NYU, I'll admit, college life looked so much more cooler than high school, Even though a couple of college girls who were friendly enough to talk to me totally didn't think so. They said they loved the City but not the school part, but then again they were flirting with me so maybe they just wanted to cook up conversation.

Emily didn't talk to me or look at me during that entire tour, I felt like I had done something wrong to her.

And I really just wanted to know what she and Charlie talked about because there was a bet pending. I decided that I was going to take her with me to meet my cousin.

Mr Gamble and Miss kindle were dating so it was quite obvious as to what they were doing on their Saturday night, that trip was like their own vacation and that was the only advantage that we all had to do stupid shit.

I texted Emily to meet me in the lobby, I thought she wouldn't show up at first but she did. She showed up wearing a yellow sun dress, black leather jacket, black ankle boots and her hair was in a high ponytail. She looked nice.

"Hey, you." I showcased my best smile. She wasn't smiling back.

"What am I doing here?" She crossed her arms over her chest and maintained the straight line on her lips.

Wow, whatever I did to her must have been really serious.

"We're gonna make a run for it in 5, 4 3, 2-"

"Wait wait, what are you talking about?" She raised her hands in the air and dropped them on her sides.

"You and I are going out tonight." I held her hand, entwining our fingers even. Her eyes looked down at our hands then she looked back up at my face.

I loved that glow in her eyes whenever she looked at me.

"What are you doing?" Suspicion was written all over her face.

"Trust me?" It was a question. She didn't respond so I just took it as a yes.

We started walking towards the exit of the building, Emily looked around us but I already knew there wasn't anyone in sight. We successfully passed through the glass doors, I took my time to admire the busy city. Yellow cabs, tall buildings, people walking on the sidewalk trying to get home on time and the chilly weather.

"If I end up fake-marrying you, can we come and live in New York?" I asked her, she shook her head no.

We walked on the sidewalk, side by side, hand in hand.

"Where are we going?" She asked curiously.

"I have a cousin here." I responded.

"You? have a cousin?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Emily I do." I let go of her hand and shoved it in my jacket pocket.

"Well, shit, who is he?" I felt her eyes on the side of my face.

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