Chapter 29: Yet again.

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God, I love you.

Why why why why why, oh why did I have to say it. I cringed myself to death every time my own words repeated in my head. Adrian wasn't picking up my calls or returning my texts, hell I even emailed him but still, no response.

What was his deal anyway, If he didn't feel the same way all he had to do was say so right? I also thought I pushed it a little too far but don't judge me, it just came out.

It was Monday and I couldn't help but look around my surrounding every time, FYI, I didn't spot him anywhere, not even in the classes we shared.

I didn't want to believe that he skipped class again, so I kept hoping he was around somewhere.

"Hey, guys." I weakly greeted as I sat down with Gina, Stacey and Jess in the cafeteria.

They all looked at me like I grew a second head.

"You look like shit." Gina scowled and laughed. I touched my own face which felt numb and my hair which was all tangled.

I felt like shit.

"Are you okay?" Stacey sounded concerned.

"No." I hit my forehead against the table repeated, I felt Jess's hand on the back of my neck.

"Are you on your period?" Asked Jess. Gina snorted and I raised my head.

"Have you guys seen Adrian today?" I asked, looking at all of them.

"Yeah, we're in drama together, why?" Stacey took a sip of her smoothie.

So he was at school, and that only meant one thing, the thing I didn't want to believe. He was avoiding me.

"Shit." I whispered.

"What's wrong? Did you guys fight?" Gina asked with her mouth full.

"I told him I loved him." I uttered, they did not look surprised, rather confused. "For the very first time since we started dating." I added.

"Oh." Said Stacey underneath her tone, Jess and Gina didn't say anything at all which made me feel even worse.

"I think he's avoiding me." I ran a frustrated hand through my messy hair.

"Why would he be doing that?" Asked Gina, cluelessly.

"Probably because he didn't say it back, dumbass." Jess hissed at her.

"Oh, shit." She said.

"That must have been awkward." Stacey shoved a fork full of salad in her mouth.

"I think he doesn't feel the same way." I cried out dramatically.

"That's not true, babe, I see the way that guy looks at you." Jess rubbed my shoulder sympathetically.

"Yeah, he looks at her like he's seeing her for the first time, it's so sweet." Stacey giggled, I started feeling better and a smile grew on my face.

That was true but it still didn't change the fact that he didn't love me back, I knew it was too soon and I was overrating but still.

"I just wanna talk to him." I whined, gripping my hair.

"Give me your phone." Jess extended her hand in front of me. without asking, I pulled out my phone and placed it in her palm.

"I have some good news to share with you girls." Stacey chipped excitedly.

"You got asked to prom?" Gina asked excitedly.

"No." She narrowed her eyes at Gina.

"Oh, what is it then?" Gina took a bite of her chicken leg.

"I got into Stanford." She announced.

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