Chapter 2: Betrayed.

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I used to roll my eyes at girls who cried over a breakup, I thought it was stupid to waste your tears on a guy who clearly was not crying over you but then I just had to fall for someone.

I couldn't eat because it was too hard to swallow, I couldn't close my eyes without seeing his irritatingly gorgeous face, I couldn't sleep because I kept tossing and turning. I hated each moment of it because deep down, I knew he wasn't even thinking about me.

I never wanted to believe that boys were capable of faking a whole relationship while girls just faked an orgasm. I waited for him to show up and tell me that it was just a joke but days and nights passed by and he didn't even look at me at school, it was like I never even existed.

Same thing happened with Haley and Carley, they kept avoiding me and giving me excuses whenever I wanted to hangout with them.

Not only did I feel betrayed, I felt left out.

It had been a week since Charlie and I broke up and I didn't feel like getting out of bed anymore, I just wanted to stay in bed for the rest of senior year.

"Emily?" My Dad knocked on my door. I flew the sheets over my head.

"Emily, you have to wake up or else you'll be late for school." He said.

"I'm not going." I responded in a lazy tone.

"Yes, you are, I'm coming in." He announced before walking into my room.

I didn't wanna look him in the eye, I couldn't look him in the eye after he had clearly warned me about guys like Charlie.

"Sweetie." He yanked the blanket off my head, I groaned frustratedly.

"Dad, please." I whined, hoping he would go away.

"Do you wanna hear about the first time your mom decided to break up with me?" He asked.

Damn It, I always wanted to hear stories about mom. She died when I was ten, she had cancer and I never really got to know her so I loved hearing stories about her.

"Why did she wanna break up with you?" I asked curiously but with my eyes facing the other way.

"You gotta sit up in order for me to tell you that story." He said.

I heaved a sigh as I sat up straight but still avoided eye contact.

"Well, your mom and I broke up like five times before we got married and had you, and all those times, I cried like a child because I thought it was for the last time but it wasn't." He chuckled at the memory, I furrowed my brows at him.

"Are you saying that Charlie and I will get back together?" I asked confusingly.

"No, God no. your mom and I fought over serious stuff, which led to the break ups but from what you told me, Charlie just broke up with you for no reason and I don't think you deserve to be with someone as selfish as him." He clarified.

My Dad never liked Charlie, he always told me to break up with him but I was too childish and naive to listen.

I just couldn't believe he was okay and kicking while I was on the verge of dying in my bed.

"I'm gonna tell you something about love and forever." He held my hand in his and looked me in the eye, "The right one will come when you least expect it and when they do, you'll know. I can't explain how you'll know but you will and all these feelings that you think you have towards that Charlie will seem like dust compared to what you will feel for your great love."

"My great love?" I repeated the words softly.

"Someone you're always going to keep in your heart whether you end up with them or not. That's your great love and it isn't Charlie." He told me, I found myself nodding.

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