Chapter 4: invitation.

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The week went down to thursday and I still felt like shit, I even acted like a shitty person. I dozed off in classes, had my lunch behind the cafeteria block, got detention for going late to class, started drinking booze at night in my room and I literally stopped studying.

My dad called it depression.

Adrian and I cleaned all around school everyday and no, he didn't talk to me at all but I did talk to him, even though it was like talking to a mute person who believed you were like a noisy voice in their head.

The day was thursday and I was lined up in the cafeteria, ready to buy my lunch and eat it behind the building.

I only felt like eating fries that day so I got fries with extra ketchup.

My eyes were roaming around the cafeteria and violá, I spotted Adrian sitting at the far end of the cafeteria and like always, He was sitting alone, he did have friends but I think even they were scared of him.

If I planned on making him my friend, I might have started there.

With that, I began strolling to his table, there were whispers and glances walking with me but I tried my best to ignore them.

"Hey, you." I sat across from him.

He looked up at me with raised brows, "What are you doing?" He questioned, I noticed a purple bruise on his neck.

"Eating lunch." I said in an obvious tone.

"No, I mean what are you doing sitting here." He kept his eyes on me.

"Because I can, these tables don't have names written on them so I can sit where ever I want to." I grinned at him.

"Please leave?" He asked kind of nicely.

"No." I picked a fry from my tray and took a bite.

So crunchy.

"Okay then I'll leave." He announced, standing up and reaching to grab his backpack from the table but I reached for it before he could touch it.

A couple of heads turned to look at us weirdly.

"I'll go but first I have a question." I held his bag close to my chest. He sighed restlessly as he sat back down and leaned on the table.

"What's up with the uh.. bruise on your neck?" I pointed to my own neck while I asked.

"It's a hickey." He lied, I laughed at that lie.

"Dude, hickey's are supposed to look sexy not painful." I chuckled, he rolled his eyes.

"Take it or leave it." He shrugged his shoulders. "Can I have my bag back now please?" He let his hand out on the table.

But there was one last thing I needed to get off my chest.

"Adrian?" My face and tone turned serious.

"What?" He sounded annoyed.

"I'm really sorry." I muttered softly, his eyes met mine briefly.

"For what?" He asked.

"Judging you, I judged you about the whole Charlie thing and about all the other shit that you do. I'm really sorry." I said sincerely.

"Dude." He was rolling his eyes again.

"Just hear me out." I clasped his hand on the table, he dropped his gaze onto our hands, I quickly retrieved my hand. "I'm honestly sorry, I was such a fool in love but not anymore, now I'm team Adrian." I said cheerfully.

He didn't say anything.

"Say something." I pushed.

"What do you want me to say?" He looked at me with those light green eyes as a strand of his dark hair flopped on his face.

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