Chapter 15.

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After lunch the three of us went to the grocery to buy some snacks. I was getting weird feelings about "the game" that we're going to play. Please not the board. I mentally started to pray while going. I peeked inside my pocket and saw the key still safely placed. Phew...who knows whether keys had legs too.

It was a whole crisis inside the grocery. I just got enough of it! Jin slipped on the floor and freaking crash landed on a pile of ramen that had been put out to sale with discount. Next some 11 year old snatched his pink flavored ice cream (is that even a flavor though?) and he went chasing him around the shop. Next, Jin started to blow flying kisses at everything in the grocery and the girls who worked there found him funny- wait he's a goof!

"Jin stop it! you're making us embarrassing," said Jisoo as she face palmed.

"A bread genie's kiss for every item mwah!" he said dramatically. And....lastly, he found this piggy toy which you have to wind and then it'd say 'I'm pig, oink oink'

"You ain't a pig Jin," said Jisoo.

"I know! But this looks so freaking cute uwu," he said... "reminds of Y/n when she danced in the mud," he said. Bro what?


"All right! Gather up! we're going to play something interesting!" said dad as he put down the pillows.

"What are we going to play?" asked Jisoo.

"You'll see," he said and went to the room. Dad came back with something in his hand. I was too nervous to see what it was. Please not the Ouija board...please not the Ouija board...please please please.

"UNO!!" said dad. I sighed.

"Who's coming?" asked mom.

"All of us!" said Mr. and Mrs. Kim.

 I felt myself in heaven after seeing the UNO pack. The evening was so much fun. We played for almost 2 hours and got bored of it (well who doesn't when you don't win :) The Kims were going to stay tonight at our place. How wonderful. They all decided to stay for a week here and then go around a safari. This was sort of a disadvantage for me. I won't be able to deal with the Ouija board frequently because they're staying here and lastly, I'll have to take out the board only at night- if it was safe because Jin would barge into my room to go to the bathroom since the tap sometimes didn't work in his. I'll have to be VERY careful. Should I take this school? Well yes, I'm going to tell what happened in the back yard. Something was badly disturbing me. I have hidden this mystery from my family. And now I'm having the sudden urge to tell this to them. I'll only tell this to Jin and Jisoo only if Jin wouldn't tell mom and dad. I didn't even get good sleep thinking about it.

"All right! Good night everyone!" said Mr. Kim.

"Nighty night!" we all said.

"Aren't you kids goings to sleep?" asked mom as she folded the clothes. Jin, me and Jisoo started to play UNO again in the night.

"Last one...all righty....I Winnnnnn!" I shouted.

"Ssh...too loud, it's night here!" said mom.

"That was close," said Jisoo

"Yayy! Y/n won the freaking Olympics yey yey yey!" said Jin laughing.

"shut up," I said and stood up.

"Ok then...Go to sleep it's almost midnight. Good night everyone!"

"Good night!" we said in unison.

I went into my room and layed on the bed. I didn't feel sleepy still. I could hear the others talking and one by one the lights went off. The moon shone brightly giving enough light to the room. It was a hot night and I started to twist and roll on the bed unable to bear the heat and the sweat. I swayed my hands and then something knocked off. I looked down and saw the letter that was on the dressing table that day. I didn't bother to take it and just turned to the other side.

The Cursed Ouija Board (J.JK FF)Where stories live. Discover now