Chapter 01.

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"None will live nor leave...none will be spared nor left...But for you, I'm always different...because you, are my new obsession"

- Jungkook


"Is anyone here?"

"psst don't ask that silly question, ask whe-"

"No wait! It's my turn!"

"ssh guys I think someone's here"

"Ughhh! This is just a waste of my god damn money guys!"

We quickly put down the Ouija board and looked around the dark building. The torches were getting dimmer and dimmer. It's almost past 6 o' clock in the evening and by now, we ought to be at our houses doing homework and studying rather than being inside a lonely building playing with a silly Ouija board. Who would want to play with some piece of cardboard shit anyway? It was solid dark and the thought of going home all alone gave me awful goosebumps. 

"Look Tae. There's no one, let's just continue what we've been doing," said Ahn while crossing her arms. She was utterly disturbed. 

"It's past 6 now Ahn, we should go. We can continue this tomorrow," I said putting the Ouija board back inside the bag. I got this weird vibe that someone's actually watching us (or maybe...stalking all the way up to here) I instantly wanted to disappear into thin air but then realized that it's NOT capable to do so.

"Y/n's right...we should go. It's really dark. Besides, there's only the 3 of us. It would've been more fun and less scary if the other two dorks were here too," said Taehyung as he got up from the concrete floor. He looked around the dark building. The building was under construction and no one knew that we sneaked up all the way here. Only eomma knows about it.

"I have no clue why this thing doesn't work!" I said annoyed, stomping my feet on the concrete, dusty floor. I was worried...the board was just...useless...ew.

"Why did you buy it then?" asked Ahn with a teasing face. Why should she tease me like this? Ahn had a habit of teasing people- nevermind.

"You know I'm badly obsessed over Ouija boards...but this thing just made me feel sick," I said sighing. 

"Maybe it didn't work because there isn't many here. We'll play this with the other two as well. Now let's go. It's chilly here," said Taehyung as he rubbed both his palms together and gave his jacket to me.

"Wear this silly girl, you're going to catch a cold," he said flashing his boxy smily. I kinda blushed at his words.

It was only a half an hour's walk to my house from the old building. I lived quite near. The other two, Ahn and Tae went using the back alley of Park street. It started to drizzle when I got closer to my house. Obviously it was very late. Who would go home after school at this time anyway? Eomma and Appa are gonna sue me. And by now I'll surely be seated in the living room with mom and dad giving me lectures about being late to come home- Please not appa...I screwed up. I shouldn't have been late. Slowly turning the door knob I sneaked in. I quickly wanted to  rush to my room like whoosh! But in vain, mom heard that stupid little goof of a charming door bell hung on top of the main door rattling with a sound "clink"

"Y/n? you're home?" came the voice from the kitchen. I stood still as a statue and Cleared my throat before speaking.

"uh...that's right! I'm home!," I replied fake smiling and tiptoed up the staircase upto the living room.

"I suppose you didn't go to that old building" she asked. I looked around uncomfortably thinking of some way to change the subject although it wasn't a very good idea- screw's good at tracking them. 

", nothing happened there! it was all fun," I said giving a reassuring smile. 

"You're not going there again...It's dangerous. Tell this to the others before I call their parents," I panicked and nearly bumped my head on the wall infront of me. Geez mom what?  I sighed and kept my bag on the couch removing the jacket.

"It won't be fun playing here mom. We thought of having a real scary vibe so Ahn chose this old building...obviously, to play the board," I said dropping myself on the couch and comfortably placed my legs on it. I didn't even bother to remove my shoes or the smelly socks. This feels heavenly...

"I'm not allowing you to go there again. This is the first and last warning I'm giving Y/n," replied mom as she came to the living room. I sighed and went to my room. She was right. The old building was no good place for us. 2 months before a news broke out saying that a bunch of men had gone inside it and never came back. And Ahn wanted to go and have a REAL scary experience which was an UTTER mad idea but I low-key wanted to go too. Taehyung and Jimin had dragged me from the house to the building. And...Suga...I've got NO things to say about my best friend. He didn't agree or disagree at it. But deep down, Yoongi was craving to go play there...I mean who wouldn't love to face some scary-type adventurous-freaking-

naah forget it. 

Let me put it more clearly, No one will believe that a group of five dorks drool over getting into some trouble and struggle to get out. We five are known as the school's "weirdos" and sometimes we're pissed off by people because of our ugly humiliating nature- it's NATURE. None of us are normal human beings- Especially Taehyung. We look like some people with high sugar level except for the guy named Suga. I'm one of a kind...I ain't smart nor brainy, I ain't stout nor in good shape- a perfect potato will describe me. Sometimes I FEEL left out, or am I thinking too much? I mean there's nothing to feel down. I have dear parents, cool friends, relations and an elder brother who's a total animal. Maybe it's cuz I lack confidence. Screw that, I have nothing to do with it...Hey I'm Kim Y/n! I'm a horror fan and would willingly swim a pool of blood to get into the world of horrors and I proudly own an Ouija board *proud as frich*- which doesn't work. Okay now, where were we?

I had a quick bath to get rid of my stiffness and the sweat and chilled on the bed reading my novel- "Play or die*" I was too absorbed into the story until I felt uneasy and started to toss and turn to different sides on the bed. Did the book give me some uncomfortableness? or is it just because I'm stressed out? maybe or maybe not. That night, I decided to skip dinner although it wasn't a good thing to do and mom came nag nag nag at me for not eating her best mac n' cheese (Okay I honestly loved my mom's food but eh- it feels disgusting when you have "No" appetite) I had upcoming projects to complete so I decided to stay up late but something made my mind bother so badly. I started searching for something important in my room as if it worths more than my whole god damn life until I remembered...the Ouija board. I had left it downstairs in. My. BAG.



Dayum this is my new FF and it sounds...weird LMAO.

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