Chapter 07.

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Returning back home I was in deep thought about the "Game". I badly wanted to find out what it was. But, if I do so, will something worse happen? or should I really find it out myself before the time ends? The worst thing is...I didn't tell any of this to mom and dad. I didn't want them to know anything about this.

"Y/n, me and your dad's attending to a business meeting in Incheon and Min-jee will be coming here to spend the evening," replied mom.

"Wait, you're going with the Lees?" I asked. Mom nodded while and she went to the kitchen.

"I made some snacks, you both can have them," she said

"Oh-oh ok," I said and quickly rushed upstairs.

"God please tell me a place to hide this," I whispered to myself staring at the Ouija board that was on the shelf. I put down my bag and reached for it. Every single thing which was written on the cover had changed and so has the crimson color of it. The picture of Jungkook had turned to its original pose. I scanned the room to hide this somewhere safe from Min-jee. Min-jee was my kindergarten best friend but then when we moved to primary grade she left to U.A.E with her family and we didn't see each other much. But 2 years ago they came back on a Summer and surprised us with an un-expected visit to our place. we're a lot more closer now.

I tried hiding it everywhere but NO...Min-jee would literally burst every corner of the room to find stuff and surely she would find it. I sighed and looked at the garage...

"Well...that's the only place left to hide this thing," I said and quickly dashed outside. I opened the small gate. There was a box piled up with old newspapers, I stuffed the board inside it and covered with a big cloth. Tilor, my stupid yet cute dog came running towards me. He looked angry and startled.

"Go out boy, Don't stay here," I said but then he leaped forward and started to bark at the wall.

"Tilor! there's nothing to bark at! do keep quite!" I whisper screamed.

"SShhhhh be quite, I don't want mom to hear," I said but that only made his barking more louder.


"Oh god mom! SShhhhh Tilor stop!," I dragged him out by his collar and shut the gate.

"Y/n what are you doing in the garage?," I quickly dashed in.

"Nothing moooooom," I said while running to my room. I looked at Tilor who had also come running inside.

"You really made a loud noise pabo!" I said.

The Cursed Ouija Board (J.JK FF)Where stories live. Discover now