It was you all along

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I was really upset. I felt like I hurt Taylor. He was such a great boyfriend and I loved him. No. I still loved him.

He was ignoring me and so was a lot of the others. I ignored Rae. I was upset that she told him..along with everyone else. Why couldn't she have just confronted me about it? Who knows.

Taylor runs out the door pissed, jack j looks at jack g with disgust. I felt horrible. Oh. My. God.
I sent Taylor 10 texts and he read them all and didn't respond. I was sad.

"What the fuck where you thinking?" Matt said to jack g.
"Dude, don't blame it all on me. Alex was into it!" Jack G says being offended. I just stood there.
"Don't blame the girl. You probably made the move. You could have pulled away." Jack J said while his face was red. Why was he so mad over this?
" can't blame me for all of this." Jack G put his hands up.
"Yeah, he's right." Rae jumped into the conversation.
"It's not jacks fault?" Jack J looked at Rae with confusion.
"Never said that..I said that it wasn't all his fault. It's both of their faults. They both screwed up." Rae said looking at jack j.

This was starting so much drama, now jack j and Rae started to argue wile jack g just watched them and felt bad. I felt bad too. I decided that I should look for Taylor so I ran out the door and ran to the beach. I needed to find him.

Taylor loved the beach so I knew he had to be there, he's usually always there when he's mad or confused or happy or sad. You get the point.

I walked down the beach and couldn't find him, where was he? Then I saw someone pop out of no where. It was Taylor. He was swimming in his boxers in the ocean with his shirt off.
Dayum he was so attractive.

"Taylor please." I yelled to him.
He looked at me and went back under water. He was ignoring me. Fine.
He left me no choice. I took my shirt off, leaving me in my bra. It was pink/cheetah print and then I took off my pants. Leaving me in my underwear.

I ran into the water and took a dive. I swam around until I saw his head pop up.
"What the fuck. I can't trust you anymore Alex." Taylor said shaking his head. He was pissed.
"Taylor stop-" I said floating next to him.
"No. I can't believe you were making out with jack g. One of my best friends. How fucked up is that?" He said to me.
I just stood there silently.

I felt so bad..but I did what I did because I was hurt.

"I did it for a reason." I said biting my lip.
"And what's that? Because i can't believe you'd do this to me." Taylor said angrily.
"I saw you with some fan last month, you guys were sucking each other's faces.." I said awkwardly.
"Are you that stupid?" Taylor laughed at me.
"What do you mean?" I said irritated.
"I was kissing her cheek, but making it look like I was making out with her or whatever from that angle. My fans ask me to do some crazy stuff and I can't say no. It wasn't an actual kiss..I was just making out with her cheek." Taylor laughed, he was till pissed though.

Well this was awkward. I misread the situation. I should have told Taylor before hand on how I felt about this.

"I'm so sorry." I said as a tear falls down my cheek. I wipe it away. I loved Taylor. He was one of the best boyfriends I've ever had.
"For what? Hooking up with my best friend? Or for not coming to me first..because you thought I was cheating on you." Taylor said with watery eyes. Was he about to cry? Or was it the salt water from the ocean burning his eyes.

I just put my face into my hands and wished this was just a dream. Then Taylor wraps his arms around me and his chest was on mine. I looked up.

"I guess I can forgive you. I'm still pissed though. You can't do that ever again." He said to me.
"I won't. I only love you." I said with an upset face.
"I know babe.. I know." Taylor smiled a tiny bit but then looked mad again.

We ran out of the water, and put our clothes back on.
"Let's go back." I said taking his hand.
"Okay..but jack g. He's fucking dead." Taylor said with anger in his eyes.

I was kind of worried, I didn't want them to fight because of me. What was he going to do? Were they really gonna fight.

"No one touches my girl, especially not one of my best friends. All I'm saying is that jack g better watch the fuck out." Taylor said now sprinting towards the house. Leaving me behind.

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