revenge is a dish best served cold

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So the other day at the beach I told Rae that I needed to ask her something. It was pretty important. I needed to ask for her help and well..I thought she would be the best one to ask for help in this situation.

I woke up Thursday morning and got dressed. I wore some kakis and a blue tank top with some navy blue vans.
I ate a bowl of cereal and walked out the door.

Rae and alex were waiting for the bus to arrive in front of there house and so was I and the rest of the guys.
Rae and alex looked like they were about to pass out..haha. I was too.

We hopped onto the bus and when Rae and alex sat together I pulled Rae off of the seat. She looked at me with a strange look.
"Hey, can you sit with me today?" I asked her with a smile.
"Yeah sure." She said looking back at alex.
Rae sat with me, and then taylor went up with alex.

She looked like she was half asleep, so let's see how this goes.
"Hey so remember when I had to ask you something yesterday? At the beach?" I asked as I fixed my hair.
"Yeah." Rae nodded tiredly.
"Well..I need to ask for your help. My ex..that broke up with me a month or two ago. She lives here too..and she actually goes to school with us." I sighed.
"Yeah?" Rae said wanting me to tell more.
"Well, she's dating some other guy now and to be honest I'm actually pretty jealous. I need your help." I sighed.
"You need my help?" Rae asked me.
"Yeah. I need you to pretend to date me so that we can get her jealous. She moved on so quickly..." I frowned while thinking about it.
"Alright..fine. You are one of my best friends so why not." Rae smiled.
"Wait..your gonna do it?" I smiled.
"I'll do it." Rae sighed and rolled her eyes.

I laughed and hugged her. She then fell asleep in my arms as I hugged her.
Someone got no sleep last night.

I got to homeroom and took out my homework. The teacher collected it and I listened to the rest of her class as she taught. Taylor kept kicking my chair and I told him to stop but he didn't.

"Alex? Taylor? Do I need to separate you two?" The teacher glared at us.
We just fell back into our seats and waited for class to end.

I snuck a Starbucks into my backpack so whenever I ran to my locker to get my books I took a sip. I was tired. What do you expect? It woke me up.

I continued through the day and went to all my classes and then it was lunch.
I walked to the lunch room and saw matthew in the hallway. I waved.

He walked over to me and smiled.
"Here hold my hand. My ex is over there." Matt said looking over to his ex.
He grabbed my hand and I grabbed his.
I saw matthew blush and I just thought it was so cute that he was so shy.

We walked to lunch and sat down. I sat next to Matt and not in my usual spot next to jack j and jack g. They looked at me strangely. They new something was strange. I sat next to Matt. Not them.

We ate and talked to each other about the homework that we had..and that we were most likely not going to do.
I mean...hey, who cares? Yeah. I kinda do. Matt was actually super cute as a "boyfriend" because he was so shy and sweet and sincere. I've only been "dating" him for a day we'll have to see what's in store for later.

"Hey, so Rae." Jack G said as he grabbed his water bottle.
"Yeah?" I said as I looked at my phone.
"Do you and Matt like eachother?" Jack G asked.
I didn't know what to say...I mean we weren't actually dating and I was just pretending with all of this. It didn't mean anything to me or to Matt.

Then Matt bumped in and winked at me.
"Yeah. Were dating." Matt said as he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

Jack G and Jack J gave looks of disapproval.. But I knew if was just a joke. I played along.

"Yup. Matt and I are dating."
I told everyone at our table.

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