basketball tryouts

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The school bell rang, indicating us that school was now over. Thank god.
I walked to my locker and grabbed my stuff, then I saw Matthew and Taylor walking down the hall towards our bus.

I ran after them, and soon I was caught up with them.
"Hey." I smiled slightly.
"Hey." Taylor smiled and Matt waved.
I wasn't that close with Matthew to be absolutely honest..we haven't even really talked that much. I don't think he likes me.

"You guys riding the bus home?" I asked.
"Yeah, you?" Taylor asked as he typed something on his phone and Matt just walked.
"Yeah." I nodded.

We walked onto the bus and grabbed our seats. It was Matt and Taylor in a row.
Nash, and cameron in the row besides them and then in front of them was me and Rae but since she was with jack and jack no one was really riding today.

We played on our phones the majority of the whole ride to school. How boring.
I hated sitting on the bus alone. Ugh. I should have went to the basketball tryouts with Rae.

I was sitting in the gym, on the bleachers by my self. Jack and Jack were in the locker room changing.
A couple of minutes passed and they walk out. There both wearing nike basketball shorts, with a tank top and there basketball shoes.

Yeah..they are both hot as hell.
Jack and Jack were talking to eachother on the court as they waited for the people to start trying out for the team.
Then tyler my ex runs onto the court and walks over to both Jack J and Jack G.

"You came." Tyler said to Jack J.
"I did." Jack J smiled.
"Hey. I'm jack G." Jack G said.
"Cool. Your both trying out?" Tyler asked.
"Yeah. We love to play." Jack J said.
"Sweet." Tyler grinned and started dribbling the basketball.

The first half of tryouts they were going through different drills and shooting.
Jack and Jack did great, in my eyes.
Then jack J looked over and saw me.

He waved and smiled.
I gave him a thumbs up and then it was Jack G's turn to go and show them what he can do. It was one on one, between Jack G and Tyler.

Jack G was killing Tyler, and then they finally finish. Tyler gives jack a "bro" hug like welcome to the team. Then jack J goes up and plays his part of the game and he does awesome as usual..

They were both added to the team and I was happy for both of them. Once tryouts were finished I walked down The bleachers and gave them both a hug.
The guys smiled and hugged back.

"Congrats jack!" I hugged jack G.
"Congrats jack!" I hugged jack J

The boys were happy that they had made the team and I was too, but I mean..I knew they would have made the team. They've been playing basketball since elementary school.
Have you seen them play?

I am so hungry. I want Chinese food but no one else will go with me.
Ugh. Living that loner life.

Rae, jack j, and jack g weren't here yet and alex was upstairs making some collage of Rae and her for Rae's birthday. I didn't know when her birthday was..I guess I'll have to find out real soon haha.

I sat on the couch and grabbed my phone..I scrolled through contacts to see if anyone would be interested in going to get some food with me. I mean I'm awesome so who's gonna pass me down? Well 10 minutes later..50 of my contacts already said no. Whattttt.

Rae and the guys walked in and the first words Rae said as she dropped her car keys on the counter were..
"I'm starving!" Then a smile appeared onto my face.
I walked over to Rae, grabbed her wrist, grabbed her car keys and walked out the door behind me.
"This is why we are friends." I smiled.
"Where are we going Matt?" Rae laughed as I still held her wrist.
"We're getting Chinese food. I'll drive." I smiled as I sat in the drivers seat.
"Fine with me." Rae smiled as she put her seatbelt on.

We blared some music that jack and jack have been writing. Rae has never heard them sing before and she looked beyond impressed. They are talented. Unlike me. Nah. I'm talented:) at watching Netflix, eating, and some other things.

We got to the Chinese restaurant and we ate inside...duh.
I got us a table and she sat across from me.
"What are you gonna order Matt?" Rae asked as she scans the menu.
"Fried rice with chicken." I smirked.
"Ooh, sounds yummy." Rae nodded.
"It's what I always get." Matt winked.
"I am gonna get the sweet and sour chicken." Rae smiled brightly.
"Woah woah. Can we share? I love that stuff." I said sort of begging towards Rae. I puckered my lips and made puppy dog eyes.
"Yeah yeah. Only if you share with yours." Rae said pointing at me.
"Fine by me." I raised my hands above my head.

The waiter came to get our order. I ordered for myself and Rae..since I'm such a gentleman.;)
Rae was on her phone for a couple of minutes until I took it away and started taking random selfies on her camera roll. Haha. I'm so nice.

We chatted for a while..
"So when's your birthday?" I asked as I took a sip of my Japanese soda.
"April 15." Rae said doing the same.
"Okay. I need to think of what to get you." I said smiling.
"Matt you don't have to get me anything." she smiled cutely.
"Um I kinda do. You are my best "girl friend" I have." I said.

That was the honest truth. I mean the last week or two that I've been hanging with Rae, we have gotten really close. She's really nice and funny and yeah overall just a really good friend.

Our food came to the table and I took my phone out and took a picture of rae and I'd hand holding a fork by our two plates of food we were going to share.

I took the pic and tweeted it.
"LETS EAT! @raeturner12"

Rae and I began to eat and lawd Jesus it was amazing. She ate some of mine and I ate some of hers. It was a fun night. I enjoyed it.

"Hey Rae." I said.
"Ya?" She asked as she wiped her cheek with her napkin.
"You got a little something right there." I said pointing to her shirt.

She looked down confused and I tapped her nose and laughed.

"Hate you Matt." She smiled.
"Hate you too." I cheekily smiled.

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