how could you

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I woke up the next morning, feeling better but still sick. I haven't thrown up in a while but I still had a fever.
Taylor went to school today though since he was feeling better.

I walk downstairs and lay on the couch, I turn on some random show that came on. Pretty boring but who cares. Not me apparently. I fell back asleep.
I then woke back up and saw everyone sitting around me again. They were looking at me. That scared me.

"Uh.." I said to them as I yawned.
"Your so pretty when you sleep." Jack J smiled at me.
Matt just rolled his eyes and went on his phone. I smiled at jack j.
"Where's Alex?" I asked being a bit confused. She's usually with everyone.
"Um, not sure.." Jack j lied.

I always knew when jack j lied, his face would always get red or he wouldn't look me in the eyes. Yeah. He was lying to me. I hopped off of the couch. Pulled jack j's arm, and dragged him into the bathroom with me. I locked the door.

"What the hell?" Jack J whispered.
"Your lying to me." I said to him.
"I am?" Jack J blushed more.
"Yeah. Yeah you are. Where's Alex?" I asked again.
"I told you I don't know.." Jack J said.
"Tell me where she is.." I said looking at him. I was kind of begging.
"No.." Jack J shook his head.
"I'll do anything." I said. I regret that.
"Anything?" Jack J smirked at me.
"Okay not anything but.." I said laughing.
"But?" Jack j asked.
"I'll kiss you." I chuckled.
"Okay deal." Jack J blushed.

Jack and I kissed and to be honest it was really nice, he was a good kisser. We didn't kiss for that long since it was considered a "deal" but I liked it.

"Let's do that again." Jack J laughed.
"Yeah yeah so where is she?" I asked.
"She's upstairs with jack g..they have been up there for a good 30 minutes" Jack J laughed.
"Oh my god." I said. I opened the bathroom door and walked up stairs.

Matt. Hayes. Taylor. Sammy. Cameron. Just watched me walk up the stairs and leave jack j in confusion. Jack J looks at the guys and starts doing something with his lips..I guess he was telling them in some weird way that we kissed.
The guys just all smirked and smiled while Matt just sat there.

I walked upstairs and looked for Alex, then I heard a noise in Alex's room.
I looked in the crack of the door and saw Alex sitting on jack g's lap.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

They were making out, his hand was on her boob and her hands were in his hair. I was disgusted. I slammed the door shut behind me so they knew someone saw. I ran downstairs.

"Oh my fuck." I said to jack j as I fixed my hair.
"What?" Jack j asked looking worried.

Then you hear Alex run downstairs.

"Uh, hey!" Alex smiled, oh shit.
"Hey! Where have you been?" Taylor asked walking up to her.
"Taking a nap." Alex nodded. She was lying.
Alex kept looking back over to me. I guess she knew I saw because she looked super guilty in front of me.
"Really? But you said you were wide awake on the bus." Taylor said.
"Uh, I changed my mind." Alex smiled.

She looked back over to me and jack j looked at me. Jack J was trying to tell me to tell everyone what I saw.
Would I be a horrible friend for doing that? Or would I be doing Taylor a favor of knowing the truth?

Then the truth came out.

"SHES CHEATING ON YOU!" I said. Then I quickly put my hands over my mouth. Alex's mouth falls open.

Everyone looked at Alex and I just ran upstairs. I felt so rude. Why did I tell him? Now Alex is gonna hate me.
I ran up to my room and locked my door. Jack G was sitting on my bed.

"Oh my god." I said to him.
"What?" He asked me, he was shirtless.
"You dick." I shook my head and tried walking out of my bedroom. He blocks the door.
"What?" Jack G asked confused.
"You are hooking up with Alex? Um what the fuck. She's taken you asshole. Your gonna hurt Taylor." I said shaking my head.
"What the-" he said and I cut him off.
"Get out of my room. You can't just do that to one of you best friends jack. That's screwed up." I said.

He left my bedroom and I locked the door behind me. I felt so mean for telling on Alex. I'm bad at keeping bad secrets that could hurt someone.
Taylor needed to know.

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