tell me more

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It was Saturday morning and that meant we only had 2 full days left of summer vacation.
The guys and I would be starting at anchor beach high this Monday.
I was kinda nervous..but I was pretty excited.

Last night we stayed at Rae and Alex's house and I laid on the couch with Rae. It was pretty nice.
I woke up early this morning and left, so that I could continue unpacking my belongings. I was ahead of everyone else. Our friend shawn was coming over later and bringing the beds so we could stay at our house for the night.

I texted Rae..
ME| hey morning❤️
RAE❤️| morning🐥
ME| what school do you guys go too?
RAE❤️| anchor beach
ME| sweet
RAE❤️| haha why
ME| all of the guys and I are going there this year too. show us around maybe?;)
RAE❤️| omg awesome! I'd love to show you all around.
ME| nicee I'll text you later

That made me happy. Rae and Alex go to anchor beach too? This was gonna be a good school year.
I kept unpacking my boxes and a picture frame fell out of the box.
It was a picture of me and my ex girlfriend..I had to end things because I was moving and long distance was not something I wanted to try.
I put the frame back into the box hoping no one saw it fall out in the first place.

I seriously love California! Alex has been showing me around the whole morning and it's been a lot of fun. I really like the beaches and the people are hella rad. What the hell did I just say...haha.

Alex and I went to a breakfast diner this morning and ate, then we walked to the beach, and then to this cool park.
I had two tickets to a basketball game tonight and I was supposed to take jack g with me but he told me he had other things to do so...i don't know.

Alex and I were laying on the beach in our shorts and sandals. Laying in the hot sand.
"So do you like basketball?" I asked her.
"Love it." Alex said as she played in the sand.
"Really? Well I have tickets to the tonight's game. Wanna go with me?" I asked her.
"Yeah! Sounds like fun!" Alex smiled. Her smile was absolutely gorgeous.

I was driving in the jeep, towards the nearby Starbucks because..well it was Starbucks and I seriously loved everything they had.
I was in the mood for a vanilla bean yes please.

I walked in and stood in line patiently. I sat on my phone as I stood in line.
"Rae! Whazup." I heard someone say as they meet my eyes.
It was matthew.
"Hey Matt!" I smiled.
"Your at Starbucks too? Well I'm standing in line with you now." Matt laughed cutely.
"Fine by me." I laughed.
"What you gonna order?" He asked me.
"Vanilla bean frappe." I nodded.
"Noiceee, I'm gonna get the white chocolate mocha." Matt grinned.

Then we were up and Matt ordered for me and he also paid. He was so nice.
"Thanks matt." I smiled and took a sip of my drink.
"Nah. No problem." Matt smiled.
"Selfie?" Matt said as he took his phone out and snapped a pic of us drinking our drinks.

"Cute!" I grinned. He sent me the picture and posted it on Instagram.

"Funny seeing you here❤️" @raeturner

"So how did you get here? You don't have a car right?" I asked.
"Yeah..I walked. Good exercise." Matt nodded.
"Well wanna drive back with me? Since were neighbors and all." I laughed.
"Yess please." Matt put his hands in the praying position.

I giggled and we hopped into the car and started singing "uptown funk."
Matt was adorable and super funny.
We were gonna be good friends.

We then got back to the house and I walked into the house with Matt.
"Thanks for taking me home." He thanked me.
"Nah. No problem." I laughed.
"Let's do that again sometime. It was fun." Matt smiled.
"Yeah totally. Next time I'll buy you a coffee." I winked playfully.

We sat on his couch and played geometry dash on our phones for like an hour, trying to beat our high scores until jack and jack arrive at the house.

"Guysss..let's go get some ice cream. Jacks gonna drive." Jack J said.
"Just me, you, Matt, and jack g?" I asked.
"Yeah." Jack J smiled.
"I call shotgun!" I said running off of the couch and out the door.
"Aw hell nah!" Matt said playfully grabbing my hand and pulling me back.

These boys were seriously so sweet...

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